Character portrait
Ailwin Sarnalic
130 years old
178 cm (5'10'')
52 kg (115 lbs)
Ailwin Sarnalic, 130 years old
Female elf
Archetype: warrior
Background: noble
Height: 178 cm (5'10'')
Weight: 52 kg (115 lbs)

Ailwin Sarnalic hails from the illustrious Sarnalic lineage, which has served the realms for centuries. Born amidst the towering forests of Thalandor, a hidden enclave of the Eldaris, she enjoys the privileges of noble birth yet bears the weight of her family’s legacy on her slender shoulders. Her ancestors, famed for their prowess in battle and skill in diplomacy, often elected her prominent figures in the ancient councils of the elves, shaping the political landscape of their world.

Ailwin’s early life is marked by the idyllic beauty of Thalandor, where she roams the ethereal woods and endless meadows under the hues of silver moons. She is equally enamored by the art of war, guided by the tales of valor recounted by her elders. Intrigued by the art of combat from a young age, she wields her twin bronze blades with an elegance that befits her noble status. Her devotion to honing her skills sets her apart as a prodigy among her peers, displaying both grace and fierce determination.

Under the tutelage of Lumira Veldari, a forgotten war hero adorned in scars and wisdom, Ailwin receives rigorous training. Lumira, wary yet nurturing, teaches her not just the techniques of warfare but also the importance of choice and consequence in battles beyond mere arms. Through her lessons, Ailwin learns to balance ferocity with compassion, shaping her not just as a formidable warrior but also as a thoughtful leader.

Ailwin’s later development reveals her deepening resolve to defend her homeland and its ideals. The malice of the Shadowdark encroaches upon the edges of Thalandor, spurring her into action. Her leadership burgeons as the shifting tides of war beckon her noble blood to rise against the shadows threatening her kin. The silver ornate armor she dons becomes a second skin, intricately designed with engravings of her ancestors, serving as both armor and reminder of her lineage.

Now, Ailwin serves as a commander in the Elven Wardens, a prestigious faction tasked with protecting the realm from external threats. Her motives hold a dual nature; she wishes to honor her family’s legacy while forging her own path free from preordained expectations. Ailwin finds solace in her duty, where her confidence blooms against the backdrop of her serene demeanor, akin to a tranquil lake under starry skies.

The weight of her past fuels her alliances, a coalition of diverse creatures: noble centaurs, wise fae, and fierce woodland beasts. Among them, her closest ally is Verai Eldorin, a spirited nature mage with a penchant for mischief. Their banter echoes through the forest, a testament to their unyielding friendship amidst adversity. Yet, looming close behind is her enemy, Malakar, a shadow elven warlock driven by ancestral vengeance against the Sarnalic family for a mistold betrayal centuries ago. His presence casts a veil of tension across her campaigns, prompting Ailwin to confront her lineage’s tangled history and the shadows it harbors.

Her romantic relationships ebb and flow like the tides of the ocean—affectionate yet often fleeting. She shared a bond with Elendar, an aspiring bard whose heart sang of adventures and dreams. Alas, their paths diverged when the pull of duty claimed Ailwin, leaving a bittersweet echo of longing in her heart. In the solitude that follows, she nurtures a son, Taelon, a promise of a brighter future symbolizing hope amid strife. Though challenges nag at her heart as a mother, she dedicates herself to instilling bravery in Taelon, crafting a legacy that intertwines with her family’s storied past.

Ailwin fears the concept of failure, not in the battlefield, but in upholding her family’s honor and nurturing her kin. A heart heavy with responsibilities echoes a feeling of dread—for the destiny of her son, for her people, and the looming specter of Malakar. This prescience ripples within her thoughts, shaping her every decision as the threat of war lingers.

A life-defining event transpires during the autumn of her 130th year. The Night of the Black Moon heralds an attack from Malakar’s forces, and in the chaos, she faces him one-on-one. Wielding her blades with fierce resolve while the fate of her people hangs in the balance, she ultimately prevails, but not without sacrifices. This moment crystallizes not only her legacy but the indomitable spirit of the Eldaris.

Ailwin bears several nicknames within her community, such as “The Silver Guardian,” an homage to her gleaming armor and unwavering commitment to protect her kin. Each title reflects her multifaceted identity, weaving a narrative rich with valor and grace.

In her battles, Ailwin carries a green gemstone pendant, an heirloom from her mother, which glows with a warm light in moments of peril. It is not merely an artifact but a conduit of her strength, reminding her of the bonds of family and the ancestral duty she upholds. It signifies balance; a beacon of hope amid the chaos of war, allowing Ailwin to navigate the treacherous tides of both battle and life alike.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0