Character portrait
3923 years old
158 cm (5'2'')
55 kg (121 lbs)
Ovilin, 3923 years old
Female demigod
Archetype: soothsayer
Background: sage
Height: 158 cm (5'2'')
Weight: 55 kg (121 lbs)

Ovilin presides as the deity of fate, chance, probability and divination across the multiverse. Her exact origins are unknown, but most traditions hold that she spontaneously manifested as an elderly gnome-like being during the formless primordial ages preceding recorded existence.

In these earliest epochs, Ovilin perceived and catalogued the infinite branching paths and interwoven destinies as the first patterns emerged to coalesce into realities. She studied the fundamental forces that governed how choices, consequences and odds influenced the cosmic tapestries of causality across all possible pasts, presents and futures.

As sentient mortal races began to evolve and organize into societies, Ovilin became regarded as the impartial overseer and subtle influencer of fated events and chance occurrences. Her unfathomable ability to prognosticate drew the reverence of ancient proto-deities who bestowed titles like "Mistress of Infinite Permutations" and "The Sybil Who Becomes And Remains."

Ovilin constructed the original sacred analems, runes, astrology charts and numerical systems that formed the basis of all mortal divination practices and oracular traditions. However, her most vital teachings centered on illuminating that all futures are malleable based on the consequences of choices at key crossroads. She thus became the patron force representing free will while upholding the cosmic laws governing the inviolability of selfdetermination to redirect any fated outcome.

She manifests in gnomish form as a wizened crone whose wrinkled skin is covered in whorled patterns reminiscent of celestial orbits and infinite mathematical codes. Ovilin is perpetually cradling her most sacred relics - the Vitruvian Polyhedra, a set of cosmically engraved dice capable of quantifying every possible probability across all realities.

With a subtle gesture of her wand, random castings of the Polyhedra allow Ovilin to decipher whether great destinies shall be realized or squandered based on choices made at key veregences of existence. Her inscrutable auguries constantly reinforce her core paradoxical truth - "The only inevitability is that all fates remain open to continual revision through the consequences of willful volition."

Devout cults like the Oracular Order and Dungrove Hazardeers engage in arcane rituals and mathematical ceremonies venerating Ovilin's mysteries in hopes of better aligning with cosmic streams of probability. Yet ultimately, her immutable role is to impartially ensure that the multiverse always remains an arena of infinite unrealized potentials whose outcomes are endlessly revisable through the perpetual interplay of choice and chance.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0