Character portrait
36 years old
205 cm (6'9'')
870 kg (1918 lbs)
Obiander, 36 years old
Male centaur
Archetype: druid
Background: berserker
Height: 205 cm (6'9'')
Weight: 870 kg (1918 lbs)

Obiander, the enigmatic male centaur, embodies the harmonious and wild essence of the druidic nature. His small pointed beard frames a face veiled in wisdom, while his mane of long thick hair cascades down his athletic centaur physique. Born of a berserk lineage, he possesses extraordinary abilities – the rare gift of delving into the minds of both people and animals.

Family origins for Obiander are shrouded in mystery. Raised within the lush woodlands, he was birthed in a hidden clearing, where the ancient trees whispered their secrets to the wind. In his youth, he learned the delicate language of nature, mastering the art of shaping the world through his connection to the spirits that dwelled within it.

As Obiander matured, his deep-rooted affinity for the wild flourished. He became a druid, dedicating himself to the preservation and balance of the natural order. With his unique ability to read the minds of others, he ventured into the heart of human settlements, seeking to understand their motives and protect the balance of nature from their unchecked ambitions.

His current occupation finds him as a wandering guardian of the woodland realms. He walks the borders of civilization, keenly attuned to any disturbance that threatens the interplay between nature and mankind. Devoted to his work, Obiander views himself as a steward, tasked with ensuring the longevity and coexistence of all beings.

Obiander's allies are few, for his solitary nature often finds him wandering alone in the depths of the forest. Yet, there are those who have recognized the profundity of his cause and lend their support when needed. They respect his wisdom, seeking his counsel during times of great peril.

Among his cherished kin are his daughter and son, Mirianna and Orion. Raised with tender care, they too possess the innate connection to nature inherited from their father. Obiander imparts his wisdom to them, guiding their steps along the delicate path of balance. They will be his legacy, and the continuation of his pursuit for harmony.

A code of life creed governs Obiander's every action - the belief that all life is interconnected, and each individual holds a responsibility to maintain the equilibrium of existence. He sees himself as an invisible thread, weaving through the tapestry of reality, ensuring it remains whole and unfrayed.

A fateful event in his life occurred when he stumbled upon an ancient, forgotten grove. Within its sacred boundaries, he uncovered an artifact of unimaginable power. This relic bestowed upon him the ability to challenge fate itself. Guided by the whispers of the spirits, Obiander seeks to wield this newfound strength wisely, treading a careful path between preservation and the inevitable march of progress.

His desire, above all else, is to see a world where the atrocities committed against nature are healed. He dreams of a future where humans and creatures can coexist in harmony, where the wild can flourish and civilization can thrive without sacrificing the delicate balance of existence.

In his possession, Obiander carries no physical weapon. Instead, he relies on his profound connection to nature as his greatest ally. The very forces of wind, water, and earth answer his call, swirling to his aid when danger encroaches upon his sacred realm.

Despite the serenity he projects, Obiander carries a lingering regret. He mourns the loss of ancient knowledge and the fading practices of his druidic brethren. Merely a fragment of what once thrived, he harbors a secret hope to pass on the forgotten wisdom, rekindling the fires of a nearly extinguished tradition.

Obiander's favorite joke, known only to a select few, is a light-hearted quip about the cosmic humor behind the chaos of life. He shares it sparingly, for it seamlessly integrates his love of nature with a touch of whimsical mischief.

His chosen totem and symbol of his druidic calling is the magnificent oak tree. A metaphorical anchor, it serves as a reminder of his life's purpose and the strength he derives from his connection to the towering sentinel of the forest.

Obiander, the druidic centaur, stands as a guardian and intermediary between worlds. With his unique abilities and unwavering dedication, he whispers the ancient truths of the wild into the ears of those willing to listen. His story, yet to unfold, holds the key to a future where the bond between humans and nature can be restored, and the harmony of existence can once again resonate throughout the land.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0