Character portrait
Ivisin Yemot
54 years old
185 cm (6'1'')
90 kg (198 lbs)
Ivisin Yemot, 54 years old
Male human
Archetype: mage
Background: ruler
Height: 185 cm (6'1'')
Weight: 90 kg (198 lbs)

Ivisin Yemot is a man of great power and influence, for he is not only a magician, but the ruler of a vast kingdom. His long, white beard and crowned head mark him as a figure of authority, but there is an air of malevolence that surrounds him.

Little is known about Ivisin's family lifestyle or childhood memories, but there are whispers of a famous ancestor who was also a powerful magician. From an early age, Ivisin showed remarkable talent in the magical arts, and his childhood friend was a young boy named Gideon, who would later become one of his most trusted advisors.

Ivisin received his education and training from a variety of sources, including several powerful magicians who recognized his potential. One of his mentors, a dark wizard known only as the Shadow Master, taught him some of the most powerful spells and incantations, but at a terrible cost. It was during this time that Ivisin's heart grew cold and his soul became corrupted.

Despite this, Ivisin continued to develop his magical talents, eventually becoming a master in his own right. He now uses his abilities to maintain his grip on power and to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies. His work motive is simple - to maintain his position as ruler and to expand his influence wherever possible.

Though many consider Ivisin to be evil, he does have a code of honor, and believes in protecting his people against outside threats. His greatest enemy is a rival kingdom, whose ruler seeks to overthrow him and take his throne. Ivisin has married several times, but never for love or affection. Instead, he sees marriage as a way to solidify alliances and gain new allies.

Ivisin has few fears, but he is always vigilant against treachery and betrayal. His life credo is "power is everything", and he believes that the strong should rule over the weak. There was a life-defining event that occurred when he was still a young man, but it is a closely guarded secret.

Aside from his magical talents, Ivisin is also a skilled orator, and can sway crowds with his words. He is a cunning strategist, and has won numerous battles against his enemies. However, he is not above committing crimes to achieve his goals, and there are rumors that he has ordered the assassination of several political rivals.

Though he rarely travels, Ivisin has visited other kingdoms on occasion, usually to negotiate alliances or to intimidate his enemies. Despite his age, he shows no signs of slowing down, and his grip on his kingdom is as strong as ever.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0