Character portrait
52 years old
168 cm (5'6'')
56 kg (123 lbs)
Krum, 52 years old
Male human
Archetype: trickster
Background: beggar
Height: 168 cm (5'6'')
Weight: 56 kg (123 lbs)

Krum is the self-proclaimed "King of Beggars" who rules over the vagrant underclass in the crowded twin city of Tarso-Vilena, the capital of of the Sormandian Union. Krum cuts an unmistakable figure with his wild, tangled mane of fiery red hair, perpetually smoke-stained face, and oversized green cloak that seems to swallow his thin frame.

His constant companions are his long-stemmed wooden pipe, from which he constantly puffs on a pungent tobacco, and Max - an unusually intelligent sewer mouse. Max has been Krum's loyal friend and spy for decades, able to sneak into even the most secure areas and overhear crucial information.

Despite his disheveled beggar's appearance, Krum wields considerable influence and commands respect from the city's criminal underworld. He has an extensive network of homeless people, drifters, and petty criminals who serve as his eyes and ears on the streets. No rumor or plot can unfold without Krum being made aware through his tattered informants.

With a simple hand gesture, Krum can incite riots, arrange burglaries, or quash scandals by spreading misinformation as urban legends. Even Tarso-Vilena's powerful guilds and noble houses choose to stay in Krum's good graces, occasionally employing his services to gather intelligence or sanction illegal activities.

However, Krum's motivations don't seem to be driven purely by wealth or power. He takes simple joys in life - enjoying a hot meal at his favorite port tavern, or sharing stories and singing old beggars' ballads around a burn-barrel with his homeless companions. Some nights he can be seen sitting on rooftops, idly picking off bats with his slingshot between puffs of his pipe.

Those closest to Krum speculate that he sees himself as the protector of Tarso-Vilena's discarded lower classes. He ensures no single criminal enterprise, guild, or wealthy house becomes too powerful and throws the delicate balance of the city into turmoil. The authorities accept Krum's presence, knowing he acts as an immune system against potentially fatal threats.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0