Character portrait
1737 years old
169 cm (5'7'')
0 kg (0 lbs)
Abysani, 1737 years old
Female spirit
Archetype: destroyer
Background: urchin
Height: 169 cm (5'7'')
Weight: 0 kg (0 lbs)

Abysani was a spirit. She was born to an unknown family, though her origin is known to be dead. As an homeless child, she was always on the run from those who would seek to exploit or hurt her.

She eventually found her way to a group of dark mages, who took her in and taught her their craft. She quickly became the most skilled of their students, and soon mastered the dark arts.

As her power grew, she realized that she could do more than simply destroy her foes. She could also bring them to their knees, leaving them helpless before her. She became known as the destroyer, and the scourge of all who opposed her.

The members of the clan of dark magicians to which she belonged, eventually died in battle, one by one, until she was the only one left. Abysani realized that she could not maintain her position of power without allies, so she struck a deal with the most powerful mage in the land. In exchange for his aid, she would make him her master.

The mage accepted, and Abysani has been working diligently to maintain her position ever since. She has continued to destroy her foes, but also collects their souls in order to create powerful relics.

She has a strong belief that one must use all of their power to achieve victory, and that there is no such thing as neutrality. Her pupils have followed her lead, and the land is now ruled by a coalition of dark lords.

Abysani has never forgotten her origins, or the homeless child who was once alone and afraid. She still cherishes her Childhood memories, even as she rules over a land of darkness. She will never stop fighting for those who cannot defend themselves, and she will never stop seeking to prove herself the strongest of all.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0