Character portrait
35 years old
109 cm (3'7'')
26 kg (57 lbs)
Droz, 35 years old
Male goblin
Archetype: cleric
Background: entertainer
Height: 109 cm (3'7'')
Weight: 26 kg (57 lbs)

Droz, the enigmatic long-eared goblin, stands out amongst his kind. His vivid green skin mimics the lush forests that he traverses. As a churchman, artist, and dreamer, he embodies an extraordinary combination of talents, often straying from the conventional path that society expects him to tread.

Born into humble beginnings, Droz was raised within the intricate labyrinthine tunnels of the underground goblin community. Hidden amidst the darkest corners of the realm, his family carried a secret that weighed heavily on Droz's heart. Their lineage traced back to an ancient and powerful sorcerer, whose magic had shaped the fate of their kind. However, this secret remained locked within the confines of Droz's family, shrouded in mystery.

During his youth, Droz discovered his extraordinary aptitude for artistry. He would spend hours effortlessly moulding clay and sketching elaborate depictions of fantastical creatures that inhabited his dreams. Through his artwork, Droz sought to bridge the gap between the tangible and the ethereal, longing for a connection to the hidden realms his people spoke of in whispers.

Choosing an unorthodox path, Droz became a churchman, dedicating his time to understanding the intricate spiritual beliefs of the goblin community. His ears would perk up as he listened to ancient legends and stories of forgotten deities, seeking inspiration for his artistic endeavors. He found solace within the walls of the sacred goblin temple, where he could gaze upon the mesmerizing murals adorning its chambers.

Droz's motivation for his artistic pursuits stemmed from a deep yearning to challenge the status quo and provoke introspection. His creations aimed to inspire his fellow goblins, urging them to look beyond the confines of their underground existence and embrace the limitless possibilities that lay beyond.

Among his countless associates, Droz found a kindred spirit in Felicity, a goblin rogue with a penchant for mischief and an unwavering loyalty to her friends. Together, they traversed the sprawling forests, delving into the mysteries of the enchanted glens that hid secrets unimaginable. Their friendship, rooted in a mutual appreciation for the wonders of the world, provided Droz with the companionship he craved.

Amidst his spiritual journey, Droz found a particularly unexpected twist in his fate. A daughter, Nyx, appeared on his doorstep, igniting a spark of paternal love that had laid dormant within him. Nyx, sharing the same longing for exploration and artistry, brought a sense of purpose to Droz's life. Together, they embarked on adventures, weaving tales in their footsteps and immortalizing their experiences through joint artistic ventures.

Droz's achievements were not limited to his artistic expressions. His unwavering dedication to the teachings of the goblin temple molded him into a respected churchman, earning him the title of "The Dreamweaver." His creations, revered for their ability to awaken dormant dreams within the hearts of his kin, garnered him an illustrious reputation that extended beyond the goblin realm.

Despite the light he brought into the world, there exists a darker facet to Droz's existence. Rumors swirled of a crime committed in his distant past, an act that left him marked by the shadows. Suspicion loomed in the corners of his present, casting doubt upon his motivations and intentions.

Within the goblin culture, ancient cultural practices infused their lives with a profound connection to nature. Droz, embracing these customs, learned to summon his totem, an embodiment of his guiding spirit. A majestic stag, its antlers adorned with ethereal runes, served as a constant reminder of his purpose, his dreams, and his connection to the mystical forces that governed the realm.

Yet, beneath the surface of his charismatic demeanor lies a dream, a secret that not even Droz's closest confidants know. In the depths of his slumber, Droz envisions a world untouched by division, where all creatures, regardless of their origins, live in harmony. This dream fuels his artistic creations, immortalizing its essence within every brushstroke and incantation.

One of Droz's favorite anecdotes revolves around the time he stumbled upon a hidden waterfall—a place rumored to provide visions of forgotten truths. It was within that glistening cascade that Droz glimpsed whispers of his ancestral lineage, blurring the boundaries between past and present. The encounter forever altered his perception of the world, filling him with a profound understanding that transcended the realms of mortal comprehension.

Droz, the long-eared goblin artist and churchman, continues to illuminate the world with his vibrant imagination. With each masterpiece he brings to life, he aspires to awaken dormant dreams within the hearts of his fellow goblins, weaving a tapestry of stories that defy the limitations of their subterranean existence. Through his art, Droz seeks to bridge the divide between reality and the realms of the fantastic, forever altering the perception of what it means to be a goblin.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0