Character portrait
44 years old
135 cm (4'5'')
12 kg (26 lbs)
Ortelia, 44 years old
Female undead
Archetype: ruler
Background: inheritor
Height: 135 cm (4'5'')
Weight: 12 kg (26 lbs)

In the realm of fantastical beings and untold legends, a unique figure emerges from the shadows, defying all expectations. Her name is Ortelia, a young female ruler of legendary lineage, who defies the boundaries of life and death itself. Born into a family with an unusual origin, her fate as an inheritor of both power and burden was set from the moment of her birth.

Ortelia's early life was shrouded in mystery and complexity. As an undead being, her existence was a stark contrast to the vibrant world around her. While others embraced the flowing streams of life, she walked the path of the ethereal. It was in this duality that her true essence blossomed. An old soul trapped in a youthful vessel, Ortelia possessed an unwavering determination and wisdom beyond her years.

In her current occupation as a ruler, Ortelia commands respect and awe from all quarters. Her subjects are in awe of her ability to transcend death and lead with grace, uniqueness, and unmatched wisdom. Her rule, fueled by justice and compassion, stands as a testament to her unwavering commitment to her people and their well-being.

Romantic relationships have danced on the periphery of Ortelia's existence, but none have fully taken root within her heart. Love, like life itself, remains a transient concept for her, forever out of her grasp. Despite this, she has never allowed herself to be consumed by the lack of affection, as her duty and responsibilities have taken precedence.

Ortelia is a mother, raising a daughter who is a beautiful blending of both life and death. Their relationship is marked by a delicate balance between the light and the dark, fostering growth, curiosity, and compassion. She imparts her wisdom upon her daughter, teaching her the value of balance and the beauty that lies within the amalgamation of opposing forces.

When it comes to sustenance, the undead ruler possesses a curious palate. While her body no longer requires nourishment, Ortelia finds solace in indulging in the flavors of her favorite dish, a delicacy called "Ambrosia of Eternity." The bewitching blend of familiar and unfamiliar ingredients lingers on her faded taste buds, offering a semblance of the vibrant world she left behind.

Ortelia's life credo is one of embracing both the light and the shadows. She believes that true strength lies not in denying one's nature but in accepting and integrating all aspects of oneself into a cohesive whole. Her morality is bound by the principles of justice, fairness, and empathy, for she knows the struggle of being trapped between realms and understands the importance of extending kindness to all beings.

While her rule is characterized by tranquility and prosperity, Ortelia's inherently adventurous spirit yearns for the unknown. She ventures beyond the borders of her realm, seeking to unravel the secrets held by forgotten realms and mythical beings. It is within these daring escapades that she discovers the true depths of her own power, constantly pushing the boundaries of what it means to be both alive and dead.

Flawed like any other being, Ortelia battles self-doubt woven into the fabric of her undead existence. She grapples with the questions of worthiness and purpose, questioning her ability to lead and make a meaningful difference. Yet it is in these moments of vulnerability that she finds the strength to rise above her doubts, embracing the responsibility bestowed upon her with renewed determination.

Though lacking flesh and bone, Ortelia's favorite weapon is not one forged of metal, but rather her indomitable spirit. It is within the depths of her being that she finds the strength to protect her realm, standing as a fierce guardian against any who dare threaten the fragile balance between life and death.

A particular mannerism of Ortelia is the way she gazes into the distance, her eyes piercing the veil between worlds. When deep in thought or in moments of reflection, she has a tendency to lose herself within the ethereal realm, her expression morphing into one of serene contemplation.

Quirks adorning Ortelia's enigmatic persona are plentiful. She possesses the uncanny ability to speak to ghosts and spirits, often engaging in conversations that are only accessible to her unique senses. Additionally, her touch, while cold and devoid of physical warmth, brings fleeting peace to the weary souls she encounters.

While Ortelia's tangled history weaves through the ages, one particular event remains forever etched into her memory. She stood at the precipice of a cataclysmic battle between the forces of light and dark, faced with an impossible choice. In that pivotal moment, she embraced both sides, sacrificing a part of herself to preserve the balance of the realm.

Though her physical form remains undying, Ortelia faces her own share of health issues. The ethereal energy that courses through her being often wanes, leaving her weakened and vulnerable. However, her unwavering resolve serves as a beacon of strength, illuminating her path even in the darkest of times.

In the immortal words of Ortelia herself, "Life and death need not be adversaries, but rather two sides of the same profound journey. Embrace the balance within yourself, and you shall discover the power that lies within the realms of both light and dark."

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0