Character portrait
Oldair Vihisqer
55 years old
169 cm (5'7'')
73 kg (161 lbs)
Oldair Vihisqer, 55 years old
Male human
Archetype: trickster
Background: merchant
Height: 169 cm (5'7'')
Weight: 73 kg (161 lbs)

Oldair Vihisqer was born in the city of Urgar on the continent of Norvro, in the year 241 of the Age of Fire. Blessed with a natural gift for commerce, Oldair quickly rose through the ranks of Urgar's merchants, eventually becoming one of the wealthiest men in the city.

However, Oldair's true calling was as a trickster. This quality was evident early on in his life, when he tricked his way into the service of a powerful wizard. From this point on, Oldair was never content with simply making money - he wanted to see what he could get away with.

This attitude proved dangerous, as it often led Oldair into trouble. He was eventually banned from Urgar, and forced to journey eastward, into the dangerous and lawless territory of the Dead Lands.

Here, Oldair found new allies - the monsters of the Dead Lands, who appreciated his sense of humor and willingness to play with them. It was during this time that Oldair first donned the amulet that would later become his symbol.

Eventually, Oldair returned to Norvro, where he resumed his life as a merchant. He was still a trickster, but now he used his skills to help people rather than to harm them.

Oldair has two children, a son and a daughter. His son is a merchant like his father, while his daughter is a witch.

Oldair's life philosophy is simple: live for today, and have fun doing it. He believes that life is too short to be upset about things that don't matter, and that it's worth celebrating the little things in life.

Oldair's famous quote is " Life is a party, and if you ain't having fun, you should get out."

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0