Shati was born to a crossbreed family, the product of human and artificial DNA, the child of a human father and a cybernetic mother. Her home was a technorganic colony far from the normal dangers of the world, and she spent her childhood blissfully unaware of the struggles of the larger world.
When she was old enough to learn of the outside world, she learned that her home planet was in the midst of a war, and she had no choice but to leave to help her people.
She fought bravely in the war, and in the end, her world was victorious. But the cost was high, and her home was left in ruins. Shati and her mother set out on a journey to find new homes for themselves and for the many refugees they had brought with them. They found a new home on a new world, and Shati began a new life as a knight.
Shati is now a practicing knight and mercenary, traveling the world in search of adventure and new challenges. She is always looking to make new friends and expand her knowledge, and she is always happy to help out those in need.
Shati's life motto is "Resilience is the key to victory." She lives by this belief, and it has helped her overcome many challenges in her life. Shati's symbol is a blue sword with a white cross on it. This is the symbol of her order, the Knights of the Cross.
Shati's crime is curiosity, and her travel motto is "There's always something to see." She loves to explore new worlds and find new things, and she is always looking for new challenges to overcome. She is happiest when she is exploring and learning new things, and she is always searching for new adventures to embark on.