Character portrait
26 years old
94 cm (3'1'')
13 kg (29 lbs)
Novra, 26 years old
Female siren
Archetype: sage
Background: watchman
Height: 94 cm (3'1'')
Weight: 13 kg (29 lbs)

Novra is a young female siren. She is half human, half bird.Novra was born to a family of city watch officers in the kingdom of Hybern. At a young age, she showed a natural aptitude for hypnotik.

Novra's early life was full of adventure. As the youngest member of her family, she got to experience a lot of the family's hypnotizing abilities first-hand. Novra loved learning about the mystical world that her ancestors inhabited.

Novra currently works as a city watch member. She is passionate about her job and enjoys protecting the citizens of her home city. Over the years, Novra's abilities as a hypnotizer have earned her the respect of her fellow officers.

Novra's life has been full of adventure. She's been on many dangerous assignments, and has encountered all sorts of magical beings. Some of her most memorable adventures include capturing a dragon that was terrorizing the town, and helping to save the kingdom from an invasion by a powerful invading army.

Novra's best friend is a hedgehog named Hedgemaid. They have been friends for as long as Novra can remember. Novra has two older sisters and one younger brother. They are all very close and support each other through thick and thin. Novra has a long history of enemies. Some of her old enemies are still out there, waiting to harm her and her friends.

Novra is a loyal friend and ally, and she always puts her friends first. She is always angry when she's thwarted in her goals, and she has a savage sense of humor. She is also a well-respected sage, and she is known for her wisdom and knowledge.

Novra is a lover of adventure. She loves venturing out into the world and finding new and exciting things to do.

Novra is married to a man she met while she was working as a member of the city watch.Together, they have two children. Novra's life motto is "do what is necessary", and she believes that anyone can achieve great things if they are willing to work hard. Her favorite joke is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0