Character portrait
Elmar Johorn
384 years old
180 cm (5'11'')
84 kg (185 lbs)
Elmar Johorn, 384 years old
Male elf
Archetype: druid
Background: berserker
Height: 180 cm (5'11'')
Weight: 84 kg (185 lbs)

Elmar Johorn was born in a small Elven village on the edge of a great forest, far from the creeping corruption of humankind. His parents were of a simple stock, living off the fruits of the land. His father was a hunter and his mother a healer, imbuing Elmar with a profound knowledge of nature and the will to protect it.

Elmar's early life could have been peaceful and filled with the joy of nature, however, tragedy marked his life at a young age. He was barely a teenager when war rose between the neighboring human populations and his family's village. Elmar fought with the other elves, pushing back the humans and their armies. In the midst of battle, he discovered within himself an uncontrollable rage that pushed him toward feats of strength and courage beyond his normal limits. It was in this moment Elmar discovered his berserker roots, the deep-seeded power within birthing a hellish drive for battle.

Though the war eventually ended and Elmar returned to his village, the fire of battle still lingered in his heart. He slowly realized that the world could use a protector, and he set his sights on learning ancient druidic magicks and divine secrets. As his village was too small to provide such a study, Elmar ventured out on his own, seeking out masters of the craft across the world. By the time Elmar had completed his studies, he was a powerful druid and an experienced warrior, ready to use his knowledge and power to protect the wilds.

Elmar's current occupation is that of a protector of the wild, searching out and destroying those who would seek to destroy nature and the balance of life it holds. He is driven by his need to right the wrongs of the world, to ensure that all creatures have the right to live in harmony.

Though Elmar has no intention of settling down, he has felt the tug of marriage over the course of his journey. He is still searching for the right woman, if it exists, and hopes to one day find someone that can share his life and his passion. However, Elmar is aware that his lifestyle is dangerous, and he is determined to protect any potential partner from it.

Elmar’s life credo is that of protection and respect for nature. He believes that all creatures, both good and evil, should be respected and allowed to find their own paths in life. He also believes that there must be balance and that a person can only take from the world after they have given something back.

Despite the strength and wisdom Elmar has attained, he still has a flaw: his battlefield rage. At times, the wildness within him can take control and push him on a destructive path. He is aware of this weakness, and he works hard to keep it in check.

Elmar’s symbol is an eagle and he often carries it upon his person. The eagle symbolizes both his strength and his freedom, and it is a reminder of his own mortality.

Elmar's secret is that he carries his deceased father's sword. He holds it close to him, and uses it to protect himself and others in times of danger.

Elmar’s famous quote is “Balance above all else!” He often utters this during times of strife in order to remind himself of the importance of balance and peace.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2025. v1.1.0