Character portrait
Mac Wareham
32 years old
198 cm (6'6'')
98 kg (216 lbs)
Mac Wareham, 32 years old
Male human
Archetype: warrior
Background: inheritor
Height: 198 cm (6'6'')
Weight: 98 kg (216 lbs)

Mac Wareham is an experienced warrior. He has a small well-groomed beard and attentive eyes. Mac Wareham was born to wealthy parents in the city of Falconbridge. His childhood was spent travelling between the family estates in the surrounding countryside, and he developed a love for the outdoors and for hunting. He was a gifted athlete and grew to be quite strong, able to handle himself in a fight well.

Mac Wareham studied at the military academy in Falconbridge, and after graduating was drafted into the army. He served in many different positions, but always felt drawn to the warrior lifestyle. He became a skilled fighter and leader, and soon rose through the ranks.

Mac Wareham currently occupies a high-ranking position in the military, and he is known for his tactical brilliance. His enemies believe that he is untouchable, but Mac Wareham is actually quite cautious and cunning.

One day, Mac Wareham was leading a battle against an enemy army. He was able to defeat them, but in the process he was gravely injured. He was forced to retire from the army, but still remains a fierce warrior at heart.

After receiving his resignation, Mac could go to his family estate and enjoy the peaceful life of a rich man. But a quiet life is not for him. Now he works as a private detective, performing sensitive assignments for clients, looking for missing people and unraveling crime.

Mac is married to a beautiful woman named Elinore, and they have a son named Simon. Mac is a hard worker and a determined fighter, and he is always looking for ways to improve his skills. He is also very passionate about magic and the occult, and he loves learning new things.

Mac is a great father and husband, and he is always there for his son and wife. Mac is a loyal friend and a fierce fighter, and he always puts the safety of his friends and loved ones first.

His famous quote is "war is hell, and it's always gonna be that way."

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0