Character portrait
Ish Eleut
60 years old
172 cm (5'8'')
95 kg (209 lbs)
Ish Eleut, 60 years old
Male beastman
Archetype: sage
Background: scholar
Height: 172 cm (5'8'')
Weight: 95 kg (209 lbs)

Ish Eleut's earliest memories are a jumble of sensations: the sweet musky scent of his mother's fur, the softness of his father's feathers as he nestled against him, the sound of the rive flowing nearby. From his crossbreed mammalian-avian parentage, Ish inherited dexterous talons, powerful jaws, and a natural curiosity that led him to observe both the animal and human worlds around him.

His thirst for knowledge led him to seek out mentors among the scholars of various races, and he spent decades studying history, languages, and magic. Though he faced discrimination and hostility from some humans and beastfolk for his mixed heritage, Ish persevered, developing his own brand of patience, wisdom, and diplomacy.

Now in his sixties, Ish has become a respected sage who spends most of his time in his library, surrounded by scrolls and tomes he amassed over the years. He sometimes ventures out to take on paid consultancy work for nobles, merchants, or adventurers who seek his insights or advice.

Ish is motivated by a genuine desire to help others uncover the truths and possibilities hidden in the past, present, and future. He believes that every creature, regardless of species or social status, can contribute to the greater good if given the chance and guidance.

Ish has two children, a daughter who chose to become a bard and travel the world, and a son who followed in his footsteps as a scholar, but died of a mysterious illness during a research trip. Ish struggles with guilt and grief over his son's death, feeling that it was partly his fault for not warning him of the dangers he had overlooked.

Ish's life credo is summed up in a phrase he picked up from a wise old elf he once met: "The truth is a river, ever-flowing, ever-evolving, but never dry. To drink from it, one must be humble, patient, and perceptive."

The event that defined Ish's life was his discovery, at age 30, of an ancient library in a forgotten jungle temple. There, he found a book that seemed to be written in a forgotten tongue, but which he could somehow understand. The revelations it contained about the lost civilization that built the temple, and the magic they wielded, changed Ish's worldview and sparked a lifelong passion for unraveling mysteries.

Ish's nicknames and titles reflect his reputation among different cultures: some call him "Featherfang" for his avian traits, others "Grimoire Guardian" for his vast collection of books, and others "Beastman Bible" for his encyclopedic knowledge of beasts.

Ish's flaw is that he tends to get lost in books and thoughts, sometimes neglecting social interactions or practical needs. He also struggles to cope with aging, feeling his senses and strength decline year by year.

Ish's favorite weapon is his sharp wit, which he uses to disarm opponents or persuade them to see reason. When forced to defend himself physically, he relies on a staff imbued with his own magic, which can deflect blows or cast spells.

Ish's mannerism is to stroke his chin or beard when he ponders or listens intently. He also has a habit of humming or chirping softly when he thinks he is alone.

Ish's main regret is that he did not spend more time with his son before his death, or that he did not pass on more of his knowledge to him.

Ish's secret is that he has been struggling with a chronic ailment that affects his magical abilities and that he fears may shorten his life. He has been experimenting with risky remedies and spells to find a cure, but so far none has worked.

Ish's tangled history involves a former apprentice who turned out to be a thief and blackmailer. Ish had to use his wits and some favors from powerful friends to clear his name and avoid scandal, but he still feels betrayed by the young man he once trusted.

Ish's symbol is a quill pen and an open book, which represents both his love of learning and his ability to write or communicate in multiple languages.

Ish's magical artifacts include a crystal ball that he uses to scry or seek answers, a ring that enhances his speaking skills, and a cloak that lets him blend in with his surroundings.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0