Character portrait
Kemrun Skarfo
39 years old
175 cm (5'9'')
78 kg (172 lbs)
Kemrun Skarfo, 39 years old
Male human
Archetype: druid
Background: chaplain
Height: 175 cm (5'9'')
Weight: 78 kg (172 lbs)

Kemrun's visage is striking – a tumult of fire-red locks in a perpetual windswept tangle crowning his lined, weathered features. His piercing eyes, the hue of freshly tilled soil, convey the unmistakable sense of one bearing witness to mysteries and majesty far beyond the ken of civilized folk. The most curious aspect of Kemrun, however, is the living cloak of vines, ferns and lichens that drapes across his broad shoulders. These botanical emanations, ever shifting in patterns and hues, seem to have a symbiosis with their host in ways that defy rational explanation.

Kemrun Skarfo is a Warden of Solantis, a member of an ancient druidic order devoted to the primordial goddess of the great cycle of Life and Death. Since first experiencing his awakening amidst the looming sources of the Thunder River nearly two decades ago, Kemrun's very being has become inseparably intertwined with the perpetual spiralings of nature's grand choreographies. He does not merely tend the woodlands, but is an earthly embodiment and facilitator of their unfurling metamorphosing transcendences.

Within the hushed, emerald glades he calls home, Kemrun communes with the countless unseen spirits, devas, nymphs and other ineffable, evershifting weavers of the verdant web. He implores them to share their ancient insights and secrets of the old magic - from the tender chelonic geomancies that raise towering arborlon monoliths from mere seeds, to the druidic ways of culling soil essences into unbreakable armaments. In return, he offers his corporeal conduit to midwife their wild imaginings into lush, material being.

To stumble upon one of Kemrun's forest groves is to experience a sublime spectacle that transcends the mortal plane. Trees and fungal grotesques entwine in vast escalators of unfurling spiral stairs, leading towards towering canopies where feywild glades stretch into flickering, euclidean impossibilities. Phosphorescent spore clouds swirling in perpetual, fractalizing loops provide the only true illumination in this dreaming amaranth realm where plants appear to flow like rivulets upriver. All the while, Kemrun navigates this organic, extradimensional expanse with the relaxed silence of a sage merely out for a morning's habitual wandering.

Despite his intense attunement with the domains of Solantis, Kemrun has not abandoned the mortal world entire. He still answers the most panicked callings of druids, rangers and villages imperiled by imbalances in the natural orders. With but a focused exertion of his verdant will, Kemrun can reconstitute entire topographies - whether restoring drought-scoured fields to lush plenty, cauterizing rampant blightspores, or reshaping forestscapes to provide barriers against wildfires or rampaging beasts.

The more Kemrun has integrated his very being into the deepdream cycles, the more apparent his role has become. He is no mere protector or observer, but an intermediary between both side's of Solantis' bailiwick - a sacred catalyst who ensures the wheel of life and death continues its eternal, ravenous turnings. For while his druidic gifts facilitate the sprouting, blossoming and prospering of new arboreal expanses, so too can Kemrun command the decomposing disintegration and cullings of overgrowth with an unblinking equanimity. In his own harmonization of extremes lies the key to the only true consistency - that of the cycle itself.

As Kemrun himself grows older, an inquisitive trepidation mounts within him. For he senses Solantis' own cycles are initiating their own upheaval, and that he may be fated as a pivotal archdruid amidst something far grander than this single flourishing epoch. With each rotation of the Green that passes, he notices discrepant ripples and disturbances amidst the great pattern, as if an ancient evil is stirring at the edges of the dream... deeply subverting the established orders as the cosmos itself begins getting repotted for an apocalyptic unbecoming.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0