Character portrait
Le Doloz
17 years old
169 cm (5'7'')
43 kg (95 lbs)
Le Doloz, 17 years old
Female human
Archetype: trickster
Background: charlatan
Height: 169 cm (5'7'')
Weight: 43 kg (95 lbs)

Le Doloz was born to a charlatan family of performers. Her mother and father argued constantly, and Le Doloz was often left to her own devices. As a young girl, she learned to use her skills to get what she wanted, often working as a thief or con-woman.

Le Doloz met her mentor when she was just a teenager. He taught her the art of Dark Fantasy, and she quickly became one of the most renowned practitioners in the genre. She is skilled in creating illusions, playing on people's fears, and twisting the truth to her advantage.

Le Doloz loves to entertain her audiences, and she loves to trick them into believing in the impossible. Her life is dedicated to making them laugh and to bringing a little bit of wonder into their lives.

Le Doloz is currently in a happy marriage to a man she's loved for years. Together, they have two children. She considers her family her most important treasure, and she loves spending time with them.

Her life goal is to make people happy, even if it means bending the rules a little bit. Le Doloz believes that life is a journey, and that the best way to explore it is to have fun.

Le Doloz has experienced a lot in her life, and she's learned a lot about herself. But one thing she still regrets is the way she treated her mentor. He was a kind and compassionate man, and she hurt him deeply by betrayal. She's determined to make things right one day.

In terms of her work, Le Doloz loves playing with people's emotions. She's never been afraid to take risks, and she's always looking for ways to surprise and delight her audience.

Some people might say that Le Doloz is a bit of a jokester. Others might call her manipulative. But to her, it's all just entertainment. In the end, she's just trying to have a good time.

One of Le Doloz's favorite things to do is to dream. She loves to explore the world beyond her reality, and she often finds herself wondering what her future might hold.

There are times when Le Doloz regrets some of the choices she's made in her life. But she always learns from her mistakes, and she strives to make better choices in the future.

Le Doloz is a proud woman, and she never takes kindly to anyone who tries to stand in her way. She's fiercely independent, and she believes that everyone has the right to be happy.

In the end, Le Doloz is just a person who loves to have fun. She's never been afraid to take risks, and she's always looking for new ways to surprise and delight her audience. She's a talented practitioner of Dark Fantasy, and she loves to entertain her fans.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0