Character portrait
Lelius Blanchelen
35 years old
199 cm (6'6'')
89 kg (196 lbs)
Lelius Blanchelen, 35 years old
Male half-elf
Archetype: lover
Background: criminal
Height: 199 cm (6'6'')
Weight: 89 kg (196 lbs)

Lelius Blanchelen is no ordinary half-elf. He's a mosaic of contradictions, all wrapped in an enchanting shell of white hair and piercing blue eyes. His is a tale laced with threads of love, crime, and survival against harsh realities.

Born to a human mother, a tavern dancer, and a mysterious elven father, Lelius was left alone at an early age when his mother tragically perished in a fire. He later learned that the disastrous event was no accident, but a deliberate act that was part of a larger, darker scheme. This dreadful incident dealt him an early hand of terror, distrust and anguish. But it also birthed a formidable drive in him, a will to seek justice and protect those less fortunate—no matter the path taken.

Raised in the humid, cobbled streets of Throkado, Lelius' alluring good looks, hard-earned street smarts, and unrestrained charm made him an irresistible companion. He quickly discovered his affinity for two things: romance and lawlessness. His knack for love was an inherited trait, inherently part of his elfin lineage. Lelius perfected the courting arts, becoming a professional lover. Every stolen kiss, passionate dance, and sincere compliment was a pointed arrow from his quiver, aimed unerringly at the hearts of maidens and matrons alike. No one could resist his allure. Love was his method, the mind his target, the heart his prize.

As for his criminal expertise, that was fostered by necessity. Survival often led him and his best friend, an half-orc named Selkor, on daring escapades, treading the gray areas between right and wrong. Together, they grew proficient in the art of covert operations, pickpocketing, petty theft, and even grand-scale heists. For Lelius, these unlawful deeds served a purpose—they provided means for him and those around him to surpass another day in the harsh realities of Throkado.

Lelius, however, carries one central creed in his life. One might call it the personal law which he clings to so fiercely that it strings together his every decision, every move—"For the defenseless, act as a fortress; For the voiceless, shout out in command." He upholds this axiom even when its consequences are dire; This firm belief has granted him scars, painful reminders of his near-death encounters. Yet, each one also represents a life saved, a battle won.

His eyes, as blue as a midday sky, carry a sharpness that cuts through lies and falsity. They are the windows to his scarred soul and his uneasy dreams. Lelius Blanchelen is afraid of one thing above all—dying without making a difference. He fears insignificance. More so than the gallows, prison, or torture, he fears leading a life that fades without leaving a trace in the sands of time.

While he is physically beautiful—possessed of a grace and charm that is nearly hypnotic—his true beauty lies in his resilience, his joy for life, and his commitment to the defenseless, despite the costs. He has lived most of his life like a burning flame, flickering wildly amidst a cruel storm, fearing not its raging winds but rather the possibility of being snuffed out unnoticed.

The paradox that is Lelius Blanchelen—half-elf, criminal, lover, protector—continues to dance amidst Throkado, a town caught between chaos and order. His exploits, whether of love or crime, of sacrifice or survival, weave together a mesmerizing chronicle, a testament of a life fully lived. Lelius, for all his flaws and merits, is a living story that unfolds with every daring escapade, with every stolen kiss, and with every scar etched on his heart.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0