Britrin is a nature spirit, but unlike most of his kind, he takes on the form of a towering old man with bark-like skin that blends seamlessly into the trees around him. He is considered a sage in his community because he possesses an ancient wisdom that only comes with time.
In his youth, Britrin was much like any other ent, full of youthful energy and curious about the world around him. However, everything changed when he met his mentor, a wise old plant who imparted upon him the secrets of the forest. From that day on, Britrin dedicated his life to serving the natural world, and he has been doing so ever since.
As he continued to develop his skills in magic, Britrin became a sought-after courtier, advising kings and nobles on matters of nature and the environment. He is known for his impartiality and his ability to see the bigger picture, which has earned him respect and admiration from all corners.
Despite his reputation, Britrin prefers simple pleasures, such as spending time with his best friend, a tiny mushroom named Fae. He has no siblings, but he has always felt a kinship with all living things in the forest.
His life creed is simple: nature should be cherished and protected at all costs. He has been known to go to great lengths to ensure the safety of his beloved woods.
Britrin has never committed a crime, but he has a profound hatred for those who destroy the environment for their own gains. He can be quite outspoken on the subject, especially if he feels that nature is being threatened.
His mannerisms are slow and deliberate, matching the measured pace of the forest around him. He speaks rarely, but when he does, his words are imbued with weight and meaning.
Britrin has a phobia of fire, a fear that goes back to a time when a careless mortal started a blaze that burned down a section of the forest. To this day, the very thought of fire makes him uneasy.
His spell book is filled with ancient incantations that he has gathered over the centuries. He uses them to heal wounded trees, summon spirits of the forest, and communicate with other creatures.
In his dreams, Britrin often finds himself wandering through unknown parts of the forest, discovering hidden wonders and meeting strange creatures. He cherishes these moments of exploration, as they remind him of the boundless beauty of the natural world.
Overall, Britrin is a wise and powerful ally to have in the fight to protect the environment. He may be old, but he is still full of vitality and passion for his cause, and he will always be a fierce defender of the natural world.