Arter Fostrinor is a man with a bushy beard and long braided hair. He was born and raised in the small village of Gaerwin, nestled deep in the mountains.
As a child, Arter was always curious about the world beyond the mountains. He spent much of his time listening to the stories of travelers and merchants passing through his village. When he came of age, Arter left Gaerwin to explore the world.
Arter spent many years wandering through different lands, trading goods and meeting new people. He developed a keen eye for business and became an adept merchant. Arter found himself drawn to the mountains and often made his way through treacherous paths to reach remote villages.
Arter is a romantic at heart, and has been known to woo many a woman with his charming personality. He is caring and empathetic, always putting others before himself. Arter's life creed is to live each day to the fullest and always be true to oneself.
A life-defining event for Arter was when he was caught in a sudden avalanche while traveling through the mountains. Miraculously, he survived the ordeal but was left with a deep fear of snow-covered peaks.
Arter's flaw is his stubbornness. He often insists on doing things his way, even if it's not the best course of action. Arter has never committed a crime, but has been known to bend the rules from time to time to make a profit.
Arter dreams of settling down in a remote mountain village with a loving wife and children. However, his tangled story makes it difficult for him to form lasting relationships.
Arter wears a small amulet around his neck, passed down from his grandfather. The symbol on the amulet represents wisdom and protection. Arter holds the amulet dear, as it serves as a reminder of his family and his heritage.