Hezik Greatbuster is a dwarf of small stature but large ambition. His face is punctuated by a large well-kept beard, and his long hair falls past his shoulders, adorned with small trinkets he's picked up on his travels.
Born deep in the heart of the mountains, Hezik's youth was spent exploring the caves and tunnels that honeycombed the rock around his village. He was always restless, always seeking something more than the small life he was born into.
As he grew older, he began to travel further afield, seeking out ancient ruins and forgotten cities in the hopes of uncovering the secrets of the past. He became known as a seeker, a traveler with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
Currently, Hezik makes his living as a guide, leading groups through the treacherous mountain passes and into the wilds beyond. He has a small but dedicated group of allies who have come to rely on his expertise, but he is always careful to keep his own council, knowing the dangers of betrayal and the price one can pay for trusting too easily.
Hezik has had unusual marital status, never marrying and never settling down in one place. His personality is one of cautious optimism, always looking for the best in any situation but always prepared for the worst. Hezik enjoys rich stews and hearty breads, but he isn't particularly picky when it comes to food. His life credo is that the past holds many secrets, but it is the present that truly matters.
Despite his caution, Hezik has experienced a few betrayals over the years, mostly from people he thought he could trust. However, the most fateful event of his life occurred when he discovered the ruins of an ancient city deep in the heart of a vast desert. He spent months exploring the ruins, learning what he could about the forgotten people who had once lived there. It was during this time that he discovered his greatest flaw; his obsession with knowledge could blind him to the dangers that surrounded him.
Despite this, Hezik is always polite and well-mannered, taking care to show respect to those he meets. He is a dreamer at heart, always looking for the next great adventure, the next secret to uncover.