Character portrait
Kalamazoo Toma
battle mage
34 years old
145 cm (4'9'')
38 kg (84 lbs)
Kalamazoo Toma, 34 years old
Female human
Archetype: warrior
Background: battle mage
Height: 145 cm (4'9'')
Weight: 38 kg (84 lbs)

While Kalamazoo Toma remembers little of her childhood, she does remember spending a lot of time with her war-mage father and her two sisters. Toma's family enjoyed a relatively normal lifestyle, with the exception of the occasional skirmish with bandits or monsters.

Toma's early life was full of adventure. She spent most of her time exploring the forest near her home or battling monsters in the neighboring hills. It wasn't until she was about 10 years old that her family began to settle down. At this point, Toma's father became a teacher and the family moved to a small town.

Toma's father continued to teach her about the art of war, and she quickly became skilled in the ways of the crossbow and sword. However, it was when she met a young man named Jaren that her life took a new direction. Jaren showed her the power of the arcane and Toma began to explore the magical world.

Toma's family was outraged when they found out she was spending so much time in the magical realm. They tried to make her stop, but Toma was determined to find her place in the world. Toma eventually married Jaren and they had a son. However, Toma's marriage never truly worked and they eventually divorced.

Since then, Toma has traveled the world, learning new spells and battling any enemies that cross her path. She is currently an adventurer and is always looking for new challenges. Toma's favorite weapon is the crossbow, but she is also skilled in the use of the sword and the Arcane.

Toma's life is full of both joy and pain. She is proud of her skills as a warrior and adventurer, but she also has many regrets. Most importantly, Toma wishes she had been a better wife to her first husband. She believes that if she had been more understanding and supportive,they would be together. Now Kalamazoo lives alone. She is dating a handsome male elf. She really wants to have a baby, but she's not sure if her boyfriend wants it.

Kalamazoo Toma is a determined young woman who is always looking for new challenges. She is a skilled warrior and adventurer and is always looking for new challenges to overcome.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0