Dihar is a young, male Stone golem. He was created by a necromancer as a mentor to young mages. He has since served as the guardian and caretaker of a small village, and is loved and respected by his fellow residents. He lives a simple life, focused on protecting the innocent and helping those in need.
Dihar learned to control the undead and began to practice necromancy. Dihar's necromancy allows him to control the undead. He uses this ability to bring monsters to heel, but he's never been able to bring any living beings back to life.
Dihar has a kind heart, and is always willing to lend a helping hand. One day, the young golem met a young woman named Aina, who was raising two children. Dihar began to help the woman around the house. He also often came to just play with the children and talk about their affairs. Gradually they became attached to each other.
Once Aina was bitten by a poisonous snake. The woman was dying. Dihar applied all his knowledge of necromancy, but could not save his girlfriend. Aina is dead. Dihar wept for the first and last time in his life. He promised himself not to abandon orphaned children, becoming their mentor, friend and father. He adopted children and now lives with them.
He feels that his life's purpose is to protect them, and to ensure that they have the life they deserve.
Dihar looks clumsy and clumsy. But he is very physically strong. He easily pulls young trees and stumps out of the ground, clearing a plot of land for planting vegetables, which he likes to eat the most. His favorite vegetable is beets.
Dihar is a very good-natured and sentimental golem. He likes to watch good films about animals with his children. And any trifle can make him laugh.
Dihar possesses a symbol of protection, an amulet that was once worn by his mentor. The amulet has the power to heal and protect him, and Dihar is always careful to wear it safe.