Character portrait
32 years old
151 cm (4'11'')
25 kg (55 lbs)
Yadira, 32 years old
Female undead
Archetype: cleric
Background: soothsayer
Height: 151 cm (4'11'')
Weight: 25 kg (55 lbs)

Yadira emerges from an age long forgotten, her eerie aura and ethereal elegance making her a figure of both fear and intrigue in the realm of Morathas. Originally hailing from the quiet coastal town of Karmala, Yadira's birth into the world was marked by the ominous eclipse, a celestial event said to influence destiny. Born to a family of renowned soothsayers, her parents, Eldaryn and Thalira, bore the weight of prophetic visions and mystical duties, passing these traditions onto their only daughter.

In her early years, Yadira exhibits a natural aptitude for divination, her cobalt blue eyes often alight with the glow of premonition. She becomes known throughout Karmala as a prodigious soothsayer, her predictions eerily accurate, attracting both admiration and suspicion from the townsfolk. Despite the inherent complexities of her craft, she maintains a serene disposition, her wavy blue hair cascading around her as she performs rituals with both grace and solemnity.

However, tragedy strikes on the eve of her twenty-third year when a malevolent sorcerer, seeking to harness her innate abilities for dark purposes, curses her to an undead existence. Yadira's transformation is both swift and horrific—her flesh melts away, leaving her with a skeletal face, exposed ribcage, and cracked bones. Her glowing blue eyes and unsettling, permanent grin become the stuff of nightmares, casting an eerie light on her weathered and aged appearance. The high cheekbones and detailed bone structure make her visage unforgettable, more a haunting figure than the beloved soothsayer of the past.

Now, at the age of thirty-two, Yadira has embraced her dark transformation and found a newfound purpose as a cleric. She roams the shadowed lands of Morathas, driven by the desire to balance the scales between life and death. Known for her intense stare and hollow eye sockets that pierce through the veil of the mortal realm, she aids lost souls and combats necromantic forces, all while donning her spectral elegance. Her long neck and thin frame add to her unsettling appearance, making her an enigmatic presence in the world of the living.

Yadira's work is motivated by a complex cocktail of redemption, duty, and a longing to protect the legacy of her family. Though she can no longer experience human emotions in their entirety, her cleric duties provide her with a semblance of fulfillment. Marriage and traditional familial ties are concepts that elude her undead existence, and she lacks siblings to share her burdens.

The life-defining event for Yadira undoubtedly remains the night of her cursed transformation. It chisels her character and charts her path as an undead cleric. Though her condition renders her devoid of typical human flaws, she retains one notable quirk: an odd inclination toward old lullabies from her living days, which she hums absentmindedly as she wanders.

Dreams of dawn-brushed meadows and regaining a skin-bound existence linger in her subconscious, yet she knows reclaiming her former self is unlikely. Instead, she derives strength from her symbolic essence—a blue flame that burns on eternally, neither wholly alive nor dead, much like herself. This symbol encapsulates her existence, a beacon and a warning, balancing light and dark in a world fraught with uncertainty.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0