Character portrait
2778 years old
202 cm (6'8'')
0 kg (0 lbs)
Manius, 2778 years old
Male angel
Archetype: warrior
Background: investigator
Height: 202 cm (6'8'')
Weight: 0 kg (0 lbs)

Manius, a young warrior in gleaming armor, treads carefully through the golden streets of Valenshire, the city of his birth nestled among the sheer cliffs and rolling rivers. As he walks, the haunting whispers of his past accompany him on his ceaseless quest for truth.

In his early life, Manius was oblivious to the eternities of darkness that existed beyond his idyllic green valley encircled by the great towering alabaster walls that protected Valenshire. He knew naught but rippling laughter and fire-side tales woven of light and shadows by his loving mother and father. But even before he had grown tall enough to bear the armor of his people, darkness seeped into his sheltered world, poisoning the roots of his innocence.

The moment that transformed Manius forever lies embedded in his memory like a mark branded into his soul. It was the day of his celestial ascension, the day he became an angel. As he stood before the gathered crowd of his loved ones, he extended his hand over the heart of the sacred fire. His initiation took an unexpected and harrowing turn when a sudden gust of wind extinguished the flame, plunging the ceremony into chaos. This event was unprecedented, and the consequences were unknown to the scholars and elders. As silence and darkness held the great hall of Valenshire in its clammy grip, Manius's unblemished body began to quake, an inhuman force gnawing at the edges of his sanity.

In that moment, he felt something awaken inside of him, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, and he felt a divine presence unlike any other in his life. The celestial touch of seraphim seemed to weave through his every cell and sinew, and his breath hitched in his throat as the most powerful and humbling emotions surged through him, leaving his body transformed from mortal flesh to luminous immortality.

From those hallowed moments, Manius knew he had been burdened with a divine gift, a responsibility that forced him to don the mantle of a celestial investigator, tasked with seeking out the malevolence that now pulsed at the heart of his once-peaceful home.

His insatiable thirst for truth is what endears him to the heart of his best friend, a fierce warrior maiden named Lysandra. In the trials they face, their comradeship is forged in the fires of hell, tempered with love and understanding. It is amidst these battles and whispers of secrets long-buried that Manius meets and marries Elara, a gentle and brave soul who carries the weight of her own sacred destiny, and together they face untold perils in their intertwined quest for truth and love.

As the celestial investigator, Manius is haunted by the fear that the darkness he has sworn to vanquish may one day find its way into his own heart, undermining his mission and potentially corrupting the gift of his angelic nature. This fear fuels his unyielding determination to remain steadfast in his duty, living by the credo that truth, above all else, is worth any sacrifice.

The events of Manius's life have earned him numerous titles, from 'the Nightingale', in remembrance of his angelic song that quenches the darkest fires, to 'the Unseen', due to his unparalleled ability to slip through the shadows undetected on his sacred missions. These names are evidence of a profound secret, one that burns in the heart of the angelic warrior on his tireless pursuit of truth and threatens the sanctity of the realm he so cherishes.

Bound by his divine gifts and a relentless determination to heal the land that birthed him, Manius, warrior-investigator and celestial being, walks a path that teeters on the edge of salvation and damnation, pursued by shadows of unseen pasts, haunted truths, and celestial desires.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0