Crowbreaker is a gargoyle whose life is full of twists and turns. Crowbreaker was born to a family of charlatans who traveled the land performing magic tricks and entertaining people. He was always quick witted and enjoyed fooling others.Their performances in city squares drew crowds of attention. Usually in the minds of people, gargoyles were associated with fear and horror. People liked to watch the performance of merry gargoyles, which, moreover, showed entertaining tricks and predicted the future.
As he grew older, Crowbreaker realized that he had a natural talent for summoning the winds. He began to make a name for himself as a master of the art and soon became one of the most sought-after wind summoners in all of the land. His skills made him very wealthy and he was able to support himself and his family with his magic.
Crowbreaker is never safe from being tricked himself, and he has a habit of finding himself in very dangerous situations. Despite all of the danger, Crowbreaker has never lost his sense of humor. He is always up for a good joke, no matter how dangerous the situation might be.
One day, Crowbreaker met a young woman named Opal who was traveling through the land. She was a lost soul who wanted to find her way in life. They fell in love and eventually married. Together, they had a daughter named Lily. Years later, Lily inherited her father’s gift for summoning the winds and began to follow in his footsteps. She quickly became one of the most sought-after wind summoners in all of the land.
Crowbreaker's life-defining event was when he escaped from prison. He was able to sneak away and find a new life as a gargoyle. Crowbreaker's symbol is his wings. He believes that they are the symbol of his powers and his destiny. His mannerism is always casual, even in the most dangerous situations. He never takes things seriously, and he is always looking for the comic angle in any situation.
Crowbreaker is a charlatan by trade, but he is also a talented wind summoner. He is known for his quick wits and his ability to fool others. He is also known for his love of performing magic tricks.
Crowbreaker is fond of weapons that can make quick work of his enemies, such as swords and daggers. He is also known for his famous quote, “ Luck is a matter of preparation and opportunity.”