Character portrait
3553 years old
133 cm (4'4'')
0 kg (0 lbs)
Guova, 3553 years old
Female spirit
Archetype: seeker
Background: hermit
Height: 133 cm (4'4'')
Weight: 0 kg (0 lbs)

Guova is a curious weightless spirit who has wandered the earth for over 3,500 years. She was born to a family of healers. As a child, Guova didn't fit in with the rest of her family. She was shy and introverted, spending her days wandering alone in the forest. It was there that she first discovered her connection to spirits and the dead.

Early on in her life, Guova decided to become a hermit, cutting herself off from human contact so that she could immerse herself fully in the spiritual world. She spent many years wandering the earth, seeking knowledge and depth. Being dead herself, she never lost sight of how it felt to lose everything she held dear.

Years after her death as a human, Guova is now a Seeker, a restless spirit always on the hunt for knowledge and purpose. She rarely allies with other beings, preferring to rely solely on her own abilities, and trusts her intuition alone. While she doesn't have many enemies, her time as a hermit has made her wary of anyone who pushes her towards the human world at large.

Despite her solitary and often tragic existence, Guova has achieved much in her travels. She has saved many souls from eternal unrest and whole towns from deadly epidemics. Her deepest desire is to one day find true peace, a place where she can rest easy and contemplatively in the spirit realm.

Though not human, Guova has a harsh phobia of fire, whose devouring nature reminds her of the pain and destruction humans inflict in their pursuit of power. As she travels through the world, she often quotes to herself, "Just be yourself -- let others around you adjust,” reminding herself that it is okay that doesn't fit into the categories of a typical generic formulaic autonomous being like a human or celestical creature.

Guova's vast and tangled history is lost and forgotten deep within the recesses of her immortal mind. She travels without happy fruition, visiting bustling cities and cutting edge landscapes to quench her ever yearning curiosities. It is said that exorcists across Asia know her name intimately, wary of her when sighted, and her pale, almost snow-white hair is a dead giveaway.

After centuries of using her spirit powers for good, finally, she feels rested having a new purpose now in her recent, current quest to be a hero for her or her own friends.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0