Character portrait
36 years old
162 cm (5'4'')
55 kg (121 lbs)
Malgono, 36 years old
Male human
Archetype: ruler
Background: hunter
Height: 162 cm (5'4'')
Weight: 55 kg (121 lbs)

Malgono Bússago reclines on his weathered wooden throne, taking solace in the hush that grasps the grove of Alte Erria. With the stature of an average man yet more robust, his muscled arms are honed from not only hoisting the weight of hunting bows but donning the burden of leadership. Pale skin and emerald hair resembling the verdant undergrowth highlight his olden lineage entwined with the ancient people of Erriana.

The people, collectively known as Errianians, are beings of curious constitution. They are shorter, houses nestled amid the towering trunks adorned with shimmering leaves, and their curious tresses, hued a fantastical green reminiscent of dew-kissed foliage, set them apart from others on the continent of Arra. They owe their devotion to the earth's whispers, live by the ancient lore, and guard their lives from prying foreign eyes, thus earning Alte Erria, the land of imminent mystery.

Yet the enigma of governance hangs heavy over Alte Erria, which is a very small kingdom or even just a duchy in terms of its size. Rumors, whispers, they all leech into the heart of Arra, raising doubts about the jurisdiction of this mystic kingdom. Is Malgono an elected figurehead, nested atop his forest throne by the proclamations of his people? Or has he inherited the leadership, the title of ruler trickling down the lineage like an ancestral secret?

Yet, other voices murmur a more cryptic tale. Elders from far-reaching lands claim the true governancy of Alte Erria lies unknowingly masked beneath a shroud, unresting with the elusive echelons of the Erriana druids. They say Malgono is but an emblem, a figurehead offering a suggestive semblance of monarchy while the true helms of the kingdom sway with the minds of mysterious druids.

Alte Erria, under the reign of Malgono Bússago, keeps its mysteries concealed within the grove's heart. The outside world only catches fleeting glimpses of royal decrees and rituals from the threshold of the kingdom, left to ponder and construct tales of the enigmatic ruler and his peculiar folk. Every unanswered question, every contrasting conjecture, adds another layer, another shade to the vibrant mystery that is the Regnum Mysticum - the kingdom of Alte Erria.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0