Character portrait
Rastog Warshield
63 years old
99 cm (3'3'')
23 kg (51 lbs)
Rastog Warshield, 63 years old
Male gnome
Archetype: creator
Background: artisan
Height: 99 cm (3'3'')
Weight: 23 kg (51 lbs)

Rastog Warshield was born in a simple gnome home on the outskirts of a small village. His parents were both craftsmen, and they raised their son to be just as stubborn and resourceful as they were. From a young age, Rastog was determined to make his own way in the world, and he began to learn the skills necessary to support himself.

Eventually, Rastog found his way to a larger town, and he began to work as an artisan. He was very skillful with his hands, and he was able to make a comfortable living. However, Rastog was never content with just sitting back and taking advantage of his good fortune. He always wanted to learn more, and he was always looking for new ways to improve his skills.

Eventually, Rastog met a woman named Gwyneth, and they began to date. Gwyneth was a kind and intelligent woman, and she quickly won over Rastog’s heart. They married soon after, and they started a family.

Rastog’s daughter is now a young woman, and she is just as determined as her father is to make her own way in the world. She is a skilled artisan, and she hopes to one day achieve the same level of success as her father.

Rastog’s life is filled with adventure, and he is never afraid to take on new challenges. He is always happiest when he is exploring new territory, and he is always ready to help others in need.

Rastog’s amulet is a powerful symbol of his innocence and faith. It is said that the amulet can grant its wearer great power, and Rastog is determined to use its powers to help others.

Rastog’s personality is gentle but determined, and he is always happy to help those in need. He is a kind and caring husband and father, and he always puts the needs of his family first.

Rastog’s life motto is “always do what is right, no matter what the cost.” He believes that this is the most important lesson that he has learned in life, and he is always willing to put it into practice.

Rastog’s dream is to find a way to help others in need, and he is always prepared to take on any new challenges that come his way. He knows that he can only achieve his goals if he stays focused and committed, and he is always ready to seize opportunities.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0