Homura Gakod is a human necromancer who was born to a long line of necromancers. She has a strong dislike of magic and views it as nothing but a tool of the Dark Lord.
Although her parents were loving, her childhood was lonely. She spent her days practicing her magic, and dreaming of a better future.
She has a complex childhood memory of seeing her mother die in front of her. She lost her father when she was young, and her mother's death left her with a deep hatred of magic.
When she was 15, she met a powerful mage necromancer named Madok. Madok taught her everything.She learned to summon the dead and communicate with spirits.
Homura started her own necromancy practice and quickly became one of the most powerful necromancers in the kingdom. However, she never allowed herself to be influenced by the Dark Lord, and she has never participated in any of his wicked schemes.
When Homura was 18, she met a man named Kyo. Kyo was sick, and Homura was the only one who could help him. However, when she tried to heal him, she discovered that she was cursed. Every time she used her magic to help someone, she would become more weaker. There were demonic features in her appearance.Her beautiful face turned into a mask of death, her eyes sunken in, her luxurious long hair fell out and her head became bald.Eventually, Homura found a way to control her power. Now, she uses it to help people, not curse them.
Homura is best friends with a half-elf named Mami. They have been through a lot together, and Mami is the only person who has ever been able to understand Homura. Mami is married to a human, but Homura is secretly in love with her.
One day, Homura was visited by the Dark Lord himself. The Dark Lord offered her a chance to join him and become the most powerful necromancer in the kingdom, but Homura refused. The Dark Lord then threatened to destroy her home village, but Homura extended an invisible dome around the village. The Lord did nothing. After that, the Dark Lord had no choice but to leave her alone.
In recent years, Homura has become concerned about the rise of the Dark Lord's resurrected followers. She has decided to travel to the capital to meet with the king and discuss the situation. Homura is a powerful necromancer who is not to be messed with. She is determined to stop the Dark Lord and his followers from returning and wreaking havoc on the kingdom.