Randrubа Pebblearm was born to a gnomes family of weavers in the small town of Bowerstone. She had a happy childhood and cherished the memories of playing with her friends in the fields. When Randrubа was 20 years old, she met a wise gnome who taught her about herbs and the magical powers they possessed.
From then on, Randrubа knew she was destined to be something great. When she reached adulthood, Randrubа decided to follow in her mentor's footsteps and start her own herb shop. She quickly became a respected herbalist in the town and was able to help many people.
Randrubа met the man of her dreams, a gnome blacksmith named Garen Pebblearm, while she was still a young girl. They fell in love and began to courtship. However, Randrubа' s family was not happy about her decision to marry a blacksmith, so they arranged a wedding between Randrubа and Garen far away from Bowerstone. After their wedding, the couple traveled to Garen's home village. There, they started a small blacksmith shop. Randrubа and Garen were happy together until one day when Garen was killed in a fight. Randrubа was devastated and was barely able to get through the funeral.
Without Garen by her side, Randrubа felt lost. After Garen' s death, Randrubа began to drift away from her friends and her work. She stopped going to the herbalist guild and eventually stopped going to town at all.
Over time, Randrubа slowly began to recover. She started to attend the herbalist guild again and resumed her work helping people. One day, while Randrubа was tending to her herbs, she heard a knock on her door. It was Garen! He had been resurrected as a skeleton and wanted to talk to Randrubа. Randrubа was shocked to see her husband alive again and the two of them began to rebuild their relationship.
Randrubа is a kind and loving person and is always willing to help out her friends and neighbors. She is also fiercely protective of her family and friends, and will do anything to protect them.
She believes that with hard work and determination anything is possible. Randrubā loves spending time with her loved ones and enjoys helping them out with their projects.