Character portrait
Mar Ge Zi
18 years old
152 cm (4'12'')
46 kg (101 lbs)
Mar Ge Zi, 18 years old
Female satyr
Archetype: lover
Background: inheritor
Height: 152 cm (4'12'')
Weight: 46 kg (101 lbs)

Here is a detailed dark biography for the satyress Mar Ge Zi:

Born under the flowering eldergroves, Margezia-di-Funa was doted upon from her first coos by the Valaskes satyr clan. As daughter of elder Mamo, the olive-skinned faunling delighted in braiding hyacinths and blackberries into her chestnut curls. The forest was her playground, each grotto and stream alive with friends - butterflies alighting on her fingertips, otters splashing at her hooves.

At forty seasons when her russet horns budded, Margezia became a true beauty among the folk. Yet she flitted playfully alone across the woods, kindly but slyly refusing suitors. Mamo simply chuckled at his wilful youngest, knowing her wild spirit would settle only in its own time, like summer strawberries.

Fate twisted one chill autumn dusk when Margezia lingered too long admiring the Sicca Valley vista. A Borda huntsman snared the lovely nude satyress, dragging her roughly over the ridge through night and rain to his squalid village. There the brute Gellert forced himself upon innocent Margezia to sire odious proof of his conquest.

In the predawn Margezia’s brothers Aeson and Pax attacked Borda in vengeful fury, slitting Gellert’s throat as he reached again for their sister. Shivering and with bruises blossoming, Margezia walked silent and hollow-eyed back to the ruined sanctity of home.

In the moons after, Margezia wandered listless with a growing, unwanted weight within. She took long solitary walks, evading elders’ pity and siblings’ rage she feared would set the whole frontier aflame. When finally her secret came to term, stoic Margezia only stared into flames for hours, holding the mewling hybrid babe none dared speak of.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2025. v1.1.0