Morigar Tromsu was born the second son of Duke Agnar in the frigid northern realm of Norheim. As a child, gangly Morigar stood out from his burly, flaxen-haired kinsmen. He preferred reading in the castle library to training with axes in the yard. But what he lacked in martial prowess, Morigar made up for in mental acuity.
When his elder brother died in a failed raid across the White Sea, Morigar became heir apparent. After his father's passing, Morigar assumed rulership of the poor, politically fractured duchy. Through shrewd diplomacy and strategic marriages, he united the warring jarls under his banner.
Morigar instituted legal and social reforms to improve living standards in Norheim. He funded infrastructure projects, established a public education system, and outlawed archaic practices like blood feuds. Such progressive policies earned him the nickname "The Enlightened."
Now 59 winters old, Morigar retains a towering, broad-shouldered frame. His pale eyes hold generations of hinterland wisdom. Morigar continues working to secure Norheim's future, grooming his eldest daughter Freiga to someday succeed him.
Behind closed doors, Morigar harbors insecurities about governing this hardscrabble land so unlike himself. He frets that Norheim will descend back into lawlessness and clan warfare after his death. Dark premonitions haunt his dreams.
To clear his mind, Morigar embark on solitary hiking excursions into the stark northern wilderness. Here, he finds a bleak beauty in the severe mountains and icy seas. These landscapes strengthen his resolve to leave Norheim a more just, resilient realm for his children and beyond.
Despite his reforms, some Norheimer jarls deride Morigar as a bookish southern-bred weakling. But their insults slid off his furred coat and golden crown. Morigar knows progress demands patience and faith in their people's goodness. By Einar's blood, he will drag Norheim into the modern era, even if he must do so one hard-learned lesson at a time.