Character portrait
Dalotod Trollbender
72 years old
98 cm (3'3'')
21 kg (46 lbs)
Dalotod Trollbender, 72 years old
Male gnome
Archetype: seeker
Background: entertainer
Height: 98 cm (3'3'')
Weight: 21 kg (46 lbs)

Dalotod Trollbender, male gnome, who is known, as a talented actor and showman. He was born in a small town in the countryside to a gnomesfamily of entertainers. As a child, he loved to imitate the various vocal techniques of his family members, and this eventually led to his love of music.

Dalotod Trollbender's early life was spent travelling from one small town to the next, entertaining audiences with his magic and music. He loved spending time alone in the forests or on the banks of rivers, where he could let his music flow freely and be free from the constraints of society.

As he matured, he began to gain a following in the small towns he visited. He would often spend entire days journey travelling from one town to another, playing music for whoever would listen.

He loved the freedom of travel and the opportunity to meet new people, and he found that he really thrive when he was on the stage.
Subsequently, he came up with a unique show program, which consisted of acting improvisations, music and magic. The show became so popular that our hero was invited on tour to other countries.

Eventually, Dalotod Trollbender met a woman named Selena and fell in love with her. They married and had a son together.

At the age of seventy-two, Dalotod is still travelling the kingdom, performing for whichever crowd is willing to listen. He has a keen sense of humor and a talent for making people laugh, even in the most challenging situations.

He loves nothing more than a good performance, and he is always happy to take on whatever challenge is thrown his way. He has a strong work ethic, and he is always looking for new ways to entertain his audiences.

Dalotod is fiercely independent, and he doesn't take kindly to anyone who tries to tell him what to do. He is fiercely devoted to his family and his friends, but he also has a reputation for being somewhat aloof. He is never afraid to stand up for himself, and he is not afraid to speak his mind. He is a fiercely independent individual, and he doesn't believe in taking unnecessary risks.

Dalotod's life has been full of twists and turns. He has faced many challenges, both on the stage and in his personal life, but he has always come out on top.

He is a self-made man, and he has never relied on anyone else for support. He is happiest when he is on the road, performing for the people of the kingdom. He is a seeker, and he has never stopped looking for the adventure of a lifetime. His life is full of laughter and excitement, and he is always ready to take on whatever new challenge is presented to him.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0