Character portrait
2103 years old
210 cm (6'11'')
66 kg (146 lbs)
Tirgraxiun, 2103 years old
Male half-orc
Archetype: villain
Background: paladin
Height: 210 cm (6'11'')
Weight: 66 kg (146 lbs)

Tirgraxiun was born to a family of evil paladins some two hundred and three years ago. He discovered his dark side at an early age, hypnotising and torturing animals for fun. By the time he was ten, Tirgraxiun had killed his entire family and acquired their magical abilities.

He travelled the world, looting and plundering wherever he went, until he was apprehended by the authorities and put on trial. He was found guilty and sentenced to death, but was able to break free and escape.

Ever since, Tirgraxiun has been a committed villain, conquering whole kingdoms on a whim. He has a son and daughter, but they have never seen him as anything other than a cold and distant father.

He is currently working as a hypnotizer, using his powers to control people and influence the masses. His life-defining event was the death of his family, and his life-credo is "nothing matters but the triumph of evil."

He wears a small beard and long dark hair that cascades down to his shoulders, he often wears bright colours to stand out in a crowd. He is a passionate adventurer, and his dream is to find the greatest evil being in the Multiverse and conquer it. He is always immaculately dressed, and he has a natural charisma that allows him to get what he wants.

Even though he may seem cold and calculating, Tirgraxiun is actually quite simple-minded. He is motivated only by his own interests and desires, and he has no qualms about using any means possible to achieve them.

Though he may seem evil, Tirgraxiun is actually quite racist, and he views other races as inferior. He believes that only his people – the half-orcs – are truly worthy of being respected.

Though he has made many enemies throughout his life, Tirgraxiun still believes that there is room for redemption in the world. If he can get his hands on the mythical artifact known as the Witchblade, he believes that he can start to make amends for all his crimes.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0