Character portrait
23 years old
149 cm (4'11'')
68 kg (150 lbs)
Zagarvi, 23 years old
Male felinid
Archetype: druid
Background: inheritor
Height: 149 cm (4'11'')
Weight: 68 kg (150 lbs)

Zagarvi's early life begins in the dense, lush forests of Ayulan. Born into the noble line of the Cat People, he is a descendant of a prominent feline druid legacy. Young and feline in nature, Zagarvi's sharp, curious eyes investigate everything around him. His agile body and natural grace make him a natural climber, bounding effortlessly from tree to tree in pursuit of knowledge and adventure.

Under the guidance of his mentor, the wise and ancient druid Naliara, Zagarvi embraces the mysteries of the natural world. Under her tutelage, Zagarvi hones his skills in healing and the powers of nature, ensuring his position as a capable leader and upholding his family's legacy. The bond formed between Zagarvi and Naliara is a powerful one, their bond growing deeper and stronger with each passing moment, the wisdom passed from one generation to the next.

Zagarvi's current occupation finds him as the protector of Lantoria's forests, watching over the balance of life and ensuring that the world's vast sources of nature are respected. He works tirelessly to preserve the equilibrium between the creatures of the forest and the forces that threaten its existence. This pursuit is more than a job – it is his life's work, destined to be his legacy and his gift to the world.

His best friend is a fellow Cat Person named Solaris, who serves as Zagarvi's loyal companion and confidante. As childhood friends, they've woven their lives together through thick and thin, always there to support and guide each other through life's trials.

Guided by the credo "Trust the Whispers of the Wind," Zagarvi believes that life's answers lie in the observation of nature and that every living creature has a voice. He trusts the wind to carry these voices to him, empowering him to make wise and just decisions.

This philosophy enables him to navigate the intrigue and adventure that accompany his journey. At the same time, political machinations threaten the stability of Lantoria's kingdoms, and the Cat People must navigate these treacherous waters with cunning and strategic thinking.

The life-defining event for our hero is the night when the sky was dark, and the air was fraught. A mysterious and aggressive disease spread through the forest, causing widespread destruction and suffering. Amid the chaos, Zagarvi's mentor Naliara disappears without a trace. This tragedy only strengthens Zagarvi's resolve to find her and protect the forests she taught him

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0