Character portrait
Jona Novaton
25 years old
149 cm (4'11'')
45 kg (99 lbs)
Jona Novaton, 25 years old
Female human
Archetype: mage
Background: herbalist
Height: 149 cm (4'11'')
Weight: 45 kg (99 lbs)

Jona Novaton was born in a small, rural town in western Aerie. Her parents were farmers, and she spent her early years helping them on the farm, working alongside her brother. She was a bright and active child, quick to learn and love learning, and she dreamed of one day becoming a mage like her favorite author.

When she was ten, her family moved to the city to take advantage of the growing economy. It was a difficult adjustment at first, but she soon found herself immersed in the city life. She started attending the local magic academy, and she quickly became a popular student. She loved learning magic and spending time with her friends, and she was thrilled when she finally achieved her dream of becoming a mage.

However, things didn’t always go as planned. Shortly after she graduated from the academy, her parents were killed in a robbery gone wrong. Jona was shattered by their deaths and fell into a deep depression. She wasn’t sure how she was going to continue on with her life, but she slowly pulled herself out of her grief and started to rebuild her life.

She started working as a herbalist, and her business began to grow. She was happy to be able to help people and make a positive impact in their lives, and she was grateful for the SUPPORT of her family and friends.

Once she was back on her feet, Jona decided she wanted to do something to honor her parents. She started a charity that provided aid to the poorest and most vulnerable members of the city, and she was extremely proud of what she had accomplished.

However, there was still something missing in her life. She wanted to find a way to make a real difference in the world, and she was determined to find a new mentor. She was lucky enough to find a powerful mage who was willing to teach her all about magic, and she was extremely grateful for his help.

Jona has since continued to learn and grow as a mage, and she has dedicated her life to serving her community and making a difference in the world. She is a kind and caring person, and she is always ready to help those in need. She is happiest when she is helping others, and she believes that MAGIC is the key to unlocking the potential of humanity.

Jona Novaton is a talented herbalist who is dedicated to serving her community. She is happiest when she is helping others, and she believes that Magic is the key to unlocking the potential of humanity.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0