Character portrait
72 years old
153 cm (5'0'')
12 kg (26 lbs)
Isobe, 72 years old
Female undead
Archetype: mage
Background: courtier
Height: 153 cm (5'0'')
Weight: 12 kg (26 lbs)

Isobe's childhood home is in a small village in a far-off land, where she grows up as an apprentice to her mother, who is the village's healer. She learns about herbs, potions, and other magical remedies, and she spends most of her time scouring the nearby forests for rare ingredients.

In her youth, Isobe discovers her natural talent for magic and decides to pursue it further. She leaves her village and travels to the capital, where she becomes a court magician. Her long white hair and pale skin make her stand out among the other magicians, but her skill and talent make her a respected member of the royal court.

After years of studying and practicing magic, Isobe encounters a group of dark wizards who curse her with a powerful spell. The curse turns her into a skeleton, unable to feel any emotions. She flees the kingdom and becomes a wandering adventurer, taking odd jobs wherever she can find them.

Isobe's current occupation is a freelance mage who hires herself out to those who need magical help. Her work motive is to obtain enough wealth to hire a powerful wizard who can remove the curse from her body. Her only friend is a small, magical bird named Feathe, who speaks to her in her mind.

Isobe experiences a brutal betrayal by a fellow mage, who takes advantage of her curse and tricks her into performing dark magic. This event shapes her cold and detached personality, as she vows never to trust anyone again. Her life creed is to depend only on herself to achieve her goals.

Throughout her adventures, Isobe acquires several nicknames and titles, such as "The Silent Mage" for her emotionless demeanor, and "The Walking Bones" for her skeletal appearance. Her talent lies in her ability to cast powerful spells without needing to use any gestures.

Isobe has committed a crime in the past, stealing a powerful artifact from a noble family to use it in a magical ritual. She still carries the object with her, hidden away in her backpack, as a reminder of her past mistake.

Her hobby is collecting rare magical components, and she always carries a variety of them with her. Her favorite weapon is a wand made of dragon's bone, which enhances her magic abilities.

Isobe has a few quirks, such as her fascination with puzzles and riddles, and her tendency to overanalyze situations. She keeps a spell book in her backpack, with spells that she has collected throughout her travels.

Her dream is to find a way to break the curse and regain her emotions. Her regret is trusting her fellow mage, which has led to her current state.

Isobe has a few secrets that she keeps to herself, such as her true age, which she hides behind her skeletal appearance. She also has a fear of fire, stemming from a childhood accident.

Isobe travels from land to land, never staying in one place for too long. She has a few symbols that represent her, such as a skull and a feather, which are tattooed on her arm.

In conclusion, Isobe is a complex character with a tragic past and a steadfast determination to break the curse that has befallen her. She is a gifted magician, with a sharp mind and a hardened personality. Her adventures take her to strange and wondrous places, where she uses her magic to help others while searching for a way to free herself from her curse.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0