Tabris Penty is a man of the sea, a rebel, and a pirate. His dreadlocked hair hangs loose down his back, and a bandana wrapped around his head keeps it out of his face in the heat of battle. He is a force to be reckoned with and commands respect wherever he goes.
Tabris comes from a long line of pirates, starting with his famous ancestor, Blackbeard. Following in his footsteps, Tabris took to the seas at a young age to make his fortune. His early life was filled with adventure and excitement, and he quickly learned the ways of the sea.
His childhood friend was a young girl named Lila, who lived in a nearby village. They would often meet up and explore the beaches and coves together. However, one day, when they were both twelve, pirates raided Lila's village, killing her family and taking her captive. This traumatic event changed Tabris forever and fueled his desire to become a pirate, seeking to take down those who would harm innocent people.
Tabris sharpened his skills as a pirate, learning to navigate the treacherous waters, and mastering the art of swordplay. He has become an expert at taking down other ships and stealing their treasure. The thrill of the chase and the rush of victory drive him to continue his work as a pirate.
Despite his rough exterior, Tabris has a soft spot for his best friend, a parrot named Whistler. He even taught Whistler to speak and can often be seen talking to him like an old friend.
Tabris has never been much for romance, although he did marry his childhood sweetheart in a small ceremony before setting off to sea. He has two younger siblings, who he adores, and will stop at nothing to keep them safe.
His greatest fear is being captured by the Navy and facing the hangman's noose. But he lives by the life credo of "live fast, die young" and believes that if he is to go, it will be in a blaze of glory.
Tabris has a strong sense of spirituality, and he believes that the ocean is a living entity with its own consciousness. He often speaks to it, asking for guidance and protection.
A fateful event in his life was when he stumbled upon a treasure map leading to a legendary treasure hoard. He spent months searching for it, but when he finally found it, he realized that the treasure was cursed. From that day on, he refuses to take anything more than what he needs and warns others not to be too greedy.
Tabris has earned many nicknames and titles throughout his pirate career, such as "The Dread Pirate," "The Scourge of the Seas," and "The King of the Caribbean."
His disadvantage is his tendency to act impulsively, often without thinking things through. It has gotten him into trouble in the past, but it's also what makes him such a successful pirate.
Tabris's beloved weapons are his twin swords, which he crafted himself. He has a habit of sharpening them before battle and can often be seen running his fingers along the edges, testing their sharpness.
His biggest regret is not being able to save his childhood friend, Lila. He still thinks about her often and wishes he could have done more to protect her.
Tabris's favorite song is "The Devil's Dance" by the Rolling Stones. It reminds him of the excitement and danger of life as a pirate.
His symbol is a Jolly Roger flag with a skull and crossbones emblazoned on it. It strikes fear in the hearts of those who see it, and Tabris wears it with pride.