Roati Fraigori was born in the small cozy town of Istin in the kingdom of Hastur. Roaty's family origin is unknown, but according to local legend, his famous ancestor was a great wizard who created the first magic map.
Roaty's early life was little different from that of other boys in his town. He loved to run, play football with friends, and explore the nearby forests. Most of all he liked to draw, he was attracted by drawing magic cards.
So when the boy grew up, he became a cartographer, exploring new places in the magical kingdom and beyond.
Royalty is a tall, athletic man. He grew a beard and is known for long blond hair, which he vowed never to cut.
By nature, Roalty is a calm and kind person. No one has ever heard yelling at anyone, or speaking rudely to someone. In moments of excitement or danger, he has a way of rubbing the palms of his hands, as if warming them up.
Roati was especially famous for his journey into the Dark World, which he made with his childhood friend, the dwarf Lorry.
Roati Fraigori was the first person to provide a map of the Dark Realm. During the journey, which lasted 10 years, he experienced a lot. In a battle with the demons of the Dark World, he lost his dwarf friend.
He spent a whole year in captivity with the spirits of the Mountains, escaped from captivity with the help of a spirit woman named Iya. But there have been good things over the years. He found his love. True, he did not immediately understand that this was a serious feeling.
When Iya saved him, he felt only gratitude for her, but then, when the two of them continued their journey, he began to admire the intelligence, ingenuity, and talents of his companion. Iya followed him to his kingdom and became an assistant in all his affairs.
Currently, the lovers live in their hometown of Roaty and are preparing for a new dangerous journey.