Character portrait
40 years old
192 cm (6'4'')
93 kg (205 lbs)
Klog, 40 years old
Male orc
Archetype: mage
Background: soothsayer
Height: 192 cm (6'4'')
Weight: 93 kg (205 lbs)

Klog is a green-skinned, bearded orc with an interest in magic and esotericism.

Klog was born in the orcish Cragstead barbarian stronghold on the orcish island of Ganon. As a young orc, Klog found himself fascinated with the arcane arts and was quick to develop a talent for spellcasting. He quickly gained a reputation as a soothsayer and skilled mage.

In the years that followed, Klog travelled the world, seeking to learn more about the magical power that he so deeply coveted. He found his most instructive teachers in the most powerful wizarding academies on Krynn.

In time, Klog also came to know a powerful magic-user named Erollissar, who taught him the ways of demonic summoning. With Erollissar's help, Klog became a powerful demon-summoner, able to call forth legions of evil spirits to do his bidding.

Klog's travels also gave him an opportunity to meet many great heroes of Krynn, including the knight Sir Paladine, the rogue thief Artemisia, and the dragon rider Kitiara. In the end, Klog's travels led him to a place where he could realize his ultimate goal--to become the most powerful demon-summoner in all of Krynn.

In fulfilling this goal, Klog incurred the wrath of both Erollissar and Sir Paladine, who forced him to flee Krynn. Now, Klog wanders the world, seeking new and powerful allies to help him achieve his ultimate goal.

Klog is a cunning and elusive figure, and few people ever know what he is thinking or what he plans to do next. Nevertheless, Klog's dark powers and demonic magic make him a formidable foe to anyone he encounters. Klog values knowledge and wisdom above all else, and he is always looking for ways to improve his skills.

He believes that knowledge is the key to gaining power and control over the world, and he will do whatever it takes to acquire as much knowledge as possible. Klog is not quick to trust others, but he has a deep and abiding friendship with Erollissar.

Klog is also fiercely protective of his daughter, who he raised alone after his wife died many years ago. Klog is afraid of many things, but he is especially afraid of being killed or captured by enemies.

In addition to his magical abilities, Klog is also a fierce fighter, able to wield a variety of weapons with deadly efficiency. He is also very strong and fast, able to fight on equal footing with most other opponents. Klog's life is governed by two simple principles--knowledge is power, and always take the opportunity to strike first.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2025. v1.1.0