Character portrait
Gervald Walda
39 years old
189 cm (6'2'')
70 kg (154 lbs)
Gervald Walda, 39 years old
Male human
Archetype: creator
Background: knight
Height: 189 cm (6'2'')
Weight: 70 kg (154 lbs)

Gervald Walda stands tall and broad-shouldered, with flowing golden hair and piercing, ice-blue eyes that seem to see through to one's very soul. A skilled knight and an architectural genius, Gervald's life has been a mix of great triumphs and terrible losses, anchored by an unwavering sense of honor and duty.

Hailing from the ancient and storied house of Walda, Gervald's lineage includes the famous ancestor and hero Whaelthurn the Swift, whose deeds are immortalized in the epic poems that still echo through the Great Halls. Graced with Whaelthurn's gifts of strategy and swordsmanship, Gervald has the added boon of intellectual prowess that sets him apart in the world of fantastical knights.

As a young boy, Gervald's world was shattered by the gruesome murder of his parents during a brutal raid on their ancestral home. With the walls of his world crumbling around him, the child found solace in the companionship of his faithful mare, Fayth. Through many long days and nights spent holed up in the family library, Gervald taught himself history, mathematics, and the art of building—skills that would one day help reshape his worlds both inside and out.

Now, the scar of that childhood trauma still aches in Gervald's heart, driving him to pursue a calling to protect and serve others. As a knight, he wields his sword with precision and unyielding courage, leaving each battlefield more righteous than he found it. As a builder, he brings order and grace to every stone and every arch, designing structures that reflect the beauty and resilience at the core of human existence.

Though Gervald is never truly alone, thanks to Fayth, a unique bond of friendship also intertwines him with a man named Eldran, who embodies the virtues of patience and dignity. Together, the two have faced countless perils, emerging victorious and strengthened. Their steadfast loyalty and unconditional trust remain a testament to the power of true friendship.

In the spheres of love and family, Gervald's life has been touched by his beloved wife, Elysara, and the precious gift of their young son, Elsys. Together, father and son share a love for architecture, allowing Gervald to pass on the knowledge gleaned from his own youth. As they work side by side, a deep and abiding love grows between them, healing old wounds and forging new paths.

But beneath Gervald's unwavering courage lurks the fear that has haunted him since that fateful night: the prospect of losing his loved ones to the same darkness that has claimed so many of the people he holds dear. Despite the conviction that propels him into battles against injustice and the zeal with which he embraces life, this dread remains a constant and potent force.

Gervald's life is guided by the belief that each individual carries the potential for greatness within them, waiting to be revealed. His passion for creating comprises not only the blueprints he carefully sketches but also the fervent hope of leaving behind a legacy that honors his ancestors and elicits pride in the generations that follow. Gervald meets each new adventure with a fierce determination to uncover that inner spark of greatness—not only in himself but in everyone he encounters.

Over the years, Gervald has garnered numerous titles and nicknames. To some, he is the "Wanderer Knight," forever seeking new challenges and never faltering in his pursuits. To others, he is simply "the Builder," a man whose passion for creating transcends the mundane into the realms of legend.

Yet even a man as formidable as Gervald Walda is not without his flaws. A tangled history has left its mark, ensnaring him in dark secrets and whispered betrayals, as labyrinthine as the very structures he creates. Through it all, Gervald's greatest enemy remains the shadow within himself, a darkness that must be vanquished if he is to truly know peace.

As Gervald steps forth into each new adventure, armed with the love of his family and friends, guided by his unwavering belief in himself and others, his tale continues to unfold, each chapter woven from the threads of courage, determination, and hope—for in the world of Gervald Walda, all things are possible, and the power of the human spirit knows no bounds.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0