Character portrait
239 years old
172 cm (5'8'')
38 kg (84 lbs)
Wazegott, 239 years old
Male undead
Archetype: warrior
Background: knight
Height: 172 cm (5'8'')
Weight: 38 kg (84 lbs)

Wazegott is a skeletal warrior who wears a set of golden armor that he's polished every day for centuries. Despite being dead, his skeleton is still strong and his sword is razor-sharp. He is known across the land as a fierce knight that no one dares to challenge.
Wazegott comes from an unusual family background; his mother was a powerful witch who brought him back to life after he was slain in battle. She imbued him with strength and immortality, but also cursed him to never feel love. In his early life, Wazegott was a simple farmer, tending to his crops and livestock. Despite being content, he was always drawn to adventure and danger. He convinced his childhood friend, a human named Xavier, to become a squire and follow him on his quests. Throughout his further development, Wazegott became known as a warrior that could never be defeated. He fought countless battles, always emerging victorious. He never stayed in one place for too long, always seeking his next adventure. Currently, Wazegott's occupation is that of a mercenary. He is hired by kingdoms and nobility to fight their battles and protect their people. His best friend is a dragon named Zoltar, who he has saved from death more than once. Zoltar is the only one who knows of Wazegott's curse and tries to help him find love, to no avail. Despite his curse, Wazegott has had several romances in his time, but none of them lasted. He believes that love is a fleeting emotion that is not worth the pain and suffering that comes with it. Wazegott never married or had children, but he has taken on many squires throughout the years, teaching them the ways of the sword and armor. His life creed is to always fight for what is right and just, no matter the cost. He believes that honor and duty are more important than personal gain. Wazegott has gone on many adventures, but his most notable one was when he defeated an army of undead soldiers that threatened to destroy a nearby village. He fought with valor and, with the help of Zoltar, emerged victorious. Wazegott is always polite and respectful, even to his enemies. He believes in treating others as he wishes to be treated. His famous quote is: "I may be dead, but I will fight for the living until the end of time." His dream is to break his curse and find love before his immortality finally fades away. His biggest regret is not being able to feel love, despite knowing it exists. Wazegott's story is complicated, filled with battles, loss, and heartache. But it's also an inspiring tale of a warrior that never gives up, no matter the odds. The symbol that represents Wazegott is a sword and shield, symbolizing his unwavering bravery and protection of those in need.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0