Character portrait
Krommur Redhead
102 years old
91 cm (2'12'')
23 kg (51 lbs)
Krommur Redhead, 102 years old
Male gnome
Archetype: wanderer
Background: surgeon
Height: 91 cm (2'12'')
Weight: 23 kg (51 lbs)

Krommur Redhead was born to a family of gnome hunters in the middle of a forest. As a child, he explored the forest like the back of his hand. He loved to collect medicinal herbs, cook healing decoctions from them and heal people. Even as a teenager, he became a famous healer among the hunters living in his village.
He was often called upon to provide assistance to others.

At the age of 18, he left his native place, deciding to travel the world in search of new knowledge in medicine. After spending many years roaming the land, Krommur eventually settled on a small island outside of a big city. There he practiced his trade and enjoyed a long and prosperous life.

Despite his successes, Krommur never stopped longing for the wide open spaces of his homeland. One day, he set sail for the mainland and never returned. Years later, people began to recount stories of a great white dragon that had invaded the city and was terrorizing everyone. The city guard was unable to defeat the dragon and so they called upon Krommur to help.

Krommur quickly found a way to defeat the dragon and returned to the island with a newfound appreciation for his home. He continued to practice his craft and enjoyed a long and happy life in his own little corner of the world.

Though he is now long retired, Krommur still resides on the island and enjoys spending time with his family and friends. He is a kind and generous man and always puts others before himself. His life philosophy is to "be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

Krommur is widely known and respected for his skill as a surgeon and his ability to help others. He is a symbol of hope to the people of his island and they feel very lucky to have him in their lives.

Krommur is married to a woman named Lissala and they have two children together. Lissala is a kindhearted woman and is often called upon to help out with the children when Krommur is busy. They enjoy spending time together and enjoy going on walks around the island.

Krommur is known for his beautiful white hair and glorious beard. He often wears a long white robe and carries a staff made from dragon's bones. He is often seen walking around the island chatting with friends or helping out those in need. His nickname amongst friends is "The Redhead" and they love referring to him as "Old Krom."

Krommur is a proud man and has never been one to mince words. He has a sharp wit and is known for his quick wit and sharp tongue. He is not one for wasting time and is always rushing to get things done. He is also known for his impatience and his tendency to be short with people.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2025. v1.1.0