Character portrait
43 years old
192 cm (6'4'')
125 kg (276 lbs)
Andonic, 43 years old
Male human
Archetype: cleric
Background: paladin
Height: 192 cm (6'4'')
Weight: 125 kg (276 lbs)

In the land of Azuria, where shadows dance eerily under the luminescent gaze of the everlasting Blue Moon, Andonic, a devoted paladin, roams the shrouded landscape, spreading the teachings of the Order with a zealous fervor. In a world rife with despair and corruption, the Order of the Blue Moon stands as a beacon of hope, protection, and spiritual guidance to those who have lost their way. Guided by the Majorate, the powerful governing body, Andonic unwaveringly seeks to fulfill their commands in pursuit of his faith.

Tall and imposing, Andonic's piercing eyes gleam like the very heart of the Blue Moon, his unwavering gaze striking fear and admiration in those who meet his steely stare. Encased in complex armor, he bears the sigil of the Blue Moon on his chest, reflecting the light of the deity he so fervently believes in. The Order's noble facade drew Andonic in during his youth - the promises of peace and unity an irresistible allure to one who'd experienced only suffering and strife. He committed himself to the Order, embracing the fanatic nature that would come to define him.

Beneath the Order's gleaming sanctuaries and devout worshippers lies a sinister purpose unbeknownst to Andonic. The Majorate wields power far beyond the religious domain, pursuing goals laden with dark ambitions. Andonic's blind devotion binds him to the Order, making him an unwitting accomplice to their devious machinations.

As Andonic travels across Azuria, he can sense the world's heaving sickness, and his fervor only grows. The once-verdant forests now stand as skeletal husks, the rivers choked with the lifeblood of the earth, and the souls of the once-innocent now weighed down by sorrow and remorse. In each village, he offers respite, speaking passionately of the Blue Moon's benevolence.

And yet, he is met with resistance, hushed whispers of the Order's nefarious dealings drifting like poison on the wind. Rejection only fuels Andonic's fanaticism, and he pushes forward, unyielding in his quest to bring deliverance to the very people who fear him.

As Azuria's deepest secrets claw urgently at the veil, Andonic finds himself reeling. His unerring faith cracks beneath the crushing weight of doubt, betrayal, and horrified disbelief. Yet amidst the darkness, a spark of defiance begins to glow. For the first time, Andonic wields his own autonomy, questioning the very tenets he's served so blindly.

Now, a journey of unimaginable peril stretches before him. Joined by an ensemble of unlikely companions, including a rogue mage seeking redemption, a shapeshifter hunted for her enchanting gift, and a battle-weary revenant tormented by memories of his past life, Andonic embarks on a quest to unveil the secrets of the shadowy Majorate.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0