Character portrait
Froenklin Wulnard
31 years old
192 cm (6'4'')
82 kg (181 lbs)
Froenklin Wulnard, 31 years old
Male human
Archetype: creator
Background: traveler
Height: 192 cm (6'4'')
Weight: 82 kg (181 lbs)

In the picturesque town of Artiser, exists a man who's nothing short of a living kaleidoscope, Franklin Woolnard. He is the town's jeweler, full of jovial energy, comical remarks cloaked under unshaven stubble, and wearing an assortment of extravagant hats as if each one is an extension of his exuberant soul. Many people would claim him to be extraordinary or out of the ordinary but he prefers the term “creator”.

Coming from a family of modest means yet overflowing imaginations, born to a cabaret singer mother and ventriloquist father, Franklin’s upbringing was anything but usual. His familiy home was always alive with rehearsals, laughter and sprightly shows in the living-room-theater. Their lifestyle transformed their small brick house into a world of its own, an incubator for Franklin's sparkling charisma and creativity.

The darker side of Franklin's past includes a forefather well known in Artiser due to his notoriety. A notorious bank robber, his ancestor's stained legacy is a shadow Franklin has learned to coexist with. Instead of hiding from it, he uses it as fuel for the jokes he spins, making light of his family’s intricate past. Franklin's way of combating past transgression with laughter and resilience has reshaped the town's perception of the Woolnards.

During his early life, Franklin discovered his creative calling in a forsaken antique jewelry box at a local flea market. As he worked dedicatedly to repair it, that moment in time changed the trajectory of his life. His fascination cemented into passion; he turned his father's old toolshed into a makeshift workshop. Refurbishing relics of the past and creating sparkling new treasures, Franklin's journey from a curious mind to Artiser’s beloved jeweler bloomed.

Even with his success, Franklin stays tethered to Artiser, running the local jewelry store. His tiny shop exudes a magnetism of its own, filled with gem-laced treasures, and echoing with the sound of Franklin’s infectious laughter. Intricate timepieces, heart-shaped lockets, and glittering brooches, born of his hands, narrate a thousand untold tales.

As far as his private life goes, Franklin is married, his partner as vivacious and enigmatic as he. Together they have a daughter, a little carbon copy of Franklin's energetic spirit. Their familial bond appears in their many shared habits: the Sunday treasure hunts, the morning jokes at breakfast, and tucking their daughter into bed with a story that brings alive her lineage of jesters and creators.

Despite his cheerful façade, Franklin has his fears. The thought of losing his hands, his main tool of creation, is his waking nightmare. It's a fear that seldom shows through his merry exterior. In such moments, a quieter side of Franklin peels away: solemn, contemplative, lending a glint of vulnerability underneath his ebullient charm.

Whispers swirl around Franklin and his alleged linguistic prowess. He doesn't just speak languages, he dons them, his accent perfect, his idioms spot-on. His talent spreads beyond smithing jewels, deep into the realms of languages creating an aura of the mystical around him.

With his jovial demeanor, craftsmanship, and layered past, Franklin is a symbol of resilience. His story is a testament to how humor and creativity can alleviate past shame and create a vibrant, if unorthodox, life. Through him, the town of Artiser has learned to laugh louder, dream bigger and wear their hats a bit more flamboyantly. Franklin Woolnard, with his extravagant hats, rollicking laughter, and radiant persona, remains a gem in the heart of this town. His life story, a constant reminder of the underlying magic woven into the tapestry of everyday life.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0