Tip Lueng
Tip Lueng is a mercenary warrior who lives by the code of "Obey your superiors, but never forget your own strength." He was born to a farming family in a small village on the edge of a conflict-ridden region.
Tip's childhood was full of hard work and constant danger. He learned to defend himself and to take care of his own. As he grew older and started to learn the ways of the world, Tip realized that he had a natural affinity for the sword. He decided to become a mercenary, and he has never looked back.
He is a calm and collected individual who prefers to rely on his own abilities rather than on others. In spite of his calm exterior, Tip is also fiercely protective of those he cares for. He has a best friend, Sam, with whom he has shared many adventures and hardships.
He is also highly motivated by financial gain, and he will do anything to protect his wealth and possessions. His favorite weapon is a two-handed sword, but he is equally skilled with a bow and arrow. He is always prepared for a fight, and he often relies on his tactical skills to come out on top.
Tip became involved in a rebellion against the ruling monarchy and, once again, he proved to be a highly successful mercenary. By the end of the rebellion, Tip had reached elevated levels of respect and popularity within the mercenary community, and he decided to settle down and take on a new challenge. Our hero opened his own mercenary company and he has been very successful ever since.
Tip's mannerisms and sense of humor are often at odds with one another, but they always manage to bring a smile to his face. He is a devout follower of the Path of the Warrior and believes that strength and courage are the most important qualities a person can possess.
Although he has had many adventures, Tip's life is still full of potential for new challenges. He is always looking for new ways to test his skills and to see what new dangers await him.