Belgur XXXII
Belgur XXXII stands not at an impressive stature, as his human counterparts— the kings and queens— might. But this ruler of the Serene Kingdom of the United Gnome Provinces sizes up with his towering wisdom, time-worn features, and a long silver beard that dances with each whisper of magic he conducts. He holds more than mere sorcery beneath his crowned and crinkly brow. Inherited from a lineage spanning thirty-two generations, the crown itself has become synonymous with his person, an extension of his essence more than a mere object of his inheritance.
Born into the chaos of the gnome realms, branded by expectations borne by centuries, Belgur XXXII was thrust onto the grand throne's steps immediately upon his father's death. At a tender age of 13—then still referred to as Belgur the Boy—his father Belgur XXXI perished in a magical accident during an arcane experiment. The result had been an uncontrolled surge of magic that led to the Great Flame. The flames consumed the Mage Quarters, and with it, many lives, including Belgur XXXI's. Gnome history still etches this tragic incident as a monumental loss.
Subsequently, the boy-king, prematurely pushed onto the throne, came of age through trials not known to many. Belgur XXXII navigated his adolescent years in the public scrutiny of his gnome subjects. Despite his juvenile innocence, court politics, and conspiracies were as familiar as nursery rhymes, and magical tomes begat fairy-tales.
With this unusual upbringing, Belgur XXXII morphed into a unique mix of stern ruler and silent thinker. The gnome-king's heart mirrored the labyrinthine library of gnomish history, layered with an iron will, soft spots of kindness hidden amidst dusty corners, and a gnawing longing for an ordinary childhood. Despite hardships, Belgur never let himself stoop down under the weight of the ancient crown.
The gnome-king carries an enchanting demeanor on his bent shoulders now. He is known far and wide not only for his powerful crafting of laws but also his equally impressively scribed magical theories. His arcane abilities, honed under the rigorous training of the past Elder Mages, have made many a wizened sorcerer raise their caps in respect.
Often referred to as "The Sceptered Sage" and sometimes, lovingly, "The Old Crone", Belgur XXXII, like the gnome kings of yore, balances the intricacies of statecraft with the pursuit of arcane knowledge. To this day, he continues to deftly rule over the United Gnome Provinces, with the many rods of power - political and magical - firmly in his grip.
Belgur XXXII, being no stranger to death and loss, knows more than anyone the importance of life and peace. A famous quotation attributed to him is, "In each grain of sand, there a universe spins; in each gnome's heart, peace should begin." This line speaks volumes about Belgur's dream for his kingdom - a harmonious utopia where all inhabitants could exercise their potentials, free from the fears of conflict or catastrophe.
The Sceptered Sage's most poignant symbol is the Amaranthine Stone set in his crown. This stone is not only a royal relic but also a curse that silently ticks with his heartbeat, progressively diminishing the wielder's strength as they age, causing his slowly deteriorating health and gnarled form.
Belgur's labyrinthine heart carries a dream— a vision where the gnome kingdom thrives not merely in wealth or power, but in knowledge, creativity, and harmony. At times he is a hardened king, at times a doting grandfather, at times a lonely old man. But under his rule, the United Gnome Provinces is a land of unprecedented magic, unyielding spirit, and unwithered hope.