Helnor Dorric
Helnor Dorric was born to a family of hunters in the forested kingdom of Feylund. She was the youngest of six children, and was typical of her race in that she was very intelligent and curious. Helnor quickly learned the skills and ideals of her family profession, and soon began to pursue her own path in life.
While other young elves dreamed of journeying to the stars or learning to control the powerful magic of the wild, Helnor was determined to become a druid. Helnor’s parents were proud of her abilities, and they pushed her to develop her skills as much as possible.
After many trials and tribulations, Helnor finally found her Calling and dedicated her life to the restoration of nature. She travels the kingdom, working to protect the wildlife and heal the injured, using the power of magic and the wisdom of her ancestors.
No matter the danger, Helnor never hesitates to help those in need, and she has always been a faithful friend and loyal ally. She is also a graceful and beautiful half-elf, and many men find her irresistibly appealing.
Eventually, Helnor met and fell in love with a human named Arthur. Arthur was a brave and determined man, and he quickly fell in love with Helnor for her strength and her willingness to fight for what she believed in. The two of them married and had two children, Gwenllian and Lorcan.
Helnor is a cautious woman, and she is often afraid of the dark. She is also afraid of being alone, and she often chooses to stay with friends or allies when she is in the forest.
Although Helnor is happy with her life, she is always inspired by the mysteries of the natural world, and she dreams of discovering even more of the mysteries of the world. In the meantime, she will continue to fight for the rights and welfare of her people.