Deep within the murk of the swamp, Iz'gitag first opens their red eyes. The strong pull of survival urges them to persist against the adverse circumstances, despite being captured by human intruders prowling their verdant home. Iz'gitag's resilient spirit, a fundamental characteristic of their lizardman lineage, fuels their young, developing body.
Pulled from the safe haven of the swamp at an impressionable age, they are thrust without choice into the servitude of human masters. The humans, intrigued by the uncommon qualities they found in Iz'gitag, enlist them into a life of hard labor as a pearl hunter. Being a lizardman, Iz'gitag possesses a distinctive ability to hold their breath for extended periods, a trait turning them into an exceptional pearl diver.
Years pass, grueling and unkind, reshaping Iz'gitag into a hardened adept of the water. Their eyes, constantly subjected to the stinging salt of the ocean, mirror a depth borne out of their experience. But captive life doesn't temper their innate stubborn spirit. Instead, it ignites a burning desire for freedom.
With a carefully planned escape, Iz'gitag flees from their captors to forge a path for themselves. Freedom finds Iz'gitag adrift, wandering aimlessly until they encounter a band of diverse bounty hunters. They recognize in this motley crew an echo of their prolonged yearning for belonging.
As part of the bounty hunting faction, Iz'gitag's attributes truly shine. Their reptilian agility becomes an enviable asset, and their profound understanding of various terrains, notably aquatic landscapes, benefits the collective.
Iz'gitag's character is beautifully nuanced. They exude an innate resilience and a vivacious spirit that stands as a continual testament to their enduring journey. Their molten red eyes, once mirroring parts of them dimmed by years of servitude, now brandish a fire fanning the length and breadth of their reclaimed existence.