Gubdagog was born to a family half-orcs of soothsayers in the forested marshes of the east. His parents were engaged in predictions on the insides of animals. They were approached by the villagers for help in everyday affairs. Someone lost a cow, someone wanted to get married and asked if it was worth it. Constantly at the house crowded a crowd of the people. Little Gubdagog watched the work of his parents and gradually became their assistant in performing rituals and casting spells.
Though his parents loved him, they did not encourage him to pursue his destiny as a soothsayer. Gubdagog resented their decision and spent his days exploring the surrounding area, seeking out new knowledge and understanding. One day, while Gubdagog was exploring a remote stretch of the marshes, he came across a demonic creature that had been terrorizing the locals. Gubdagog was able to defeat the demon, and in doing so, gained its respect. The demon offered to teach Gubdagog the ways of the dark arts, and Gubdagog gratefully accepted.
From then on, Gubdagog dedicated himself to mastering the black magic of the underworld. Over time, Gubdagog became known as a fearsome soothsayer, and he enjoyed consulting with the devil on important matters.
However, Gubdagog never forgot his true purpose: to protect the people of the marshes. Even though he was often angry, Gubdagog loved his family and friends deeply. He considered them his loyal allies in the fight against evil.
In his free time, Gubdagog enjoyed exploring the local taverns and brawling with the locals. His life-defining event came when he fought against a powerful dragon on the outskirts of the marshes. Though he was defeated, Gubdagog learned a great deal about himself and his abilities. After the battle, Gubdagog decided to leave the marshes and seek out new knowledge and challenges.
He currently resides in a small village in the northeast, where he continues to offer his services to the people of the area. Sometimes he is invited to the ruler's palace to conduct kodovsky rituals. He is approached by important people with government issues. Gubdagog is proud to be able to help his country in important matters.
Our hero has never been married and does not aspire to this. He has enough female attention. Currently, he manages to date three women at once.
Gubdagog is a cunning and powerful soothsayer, and he is always willing to help those in need. He believes that knowledge is the most powerful weapon in the world, and he is determined to never stop learning. Gubdagog is known for his long, earring-covered ears, and his passionate nature. He is a fierce opponent, and he will never back down from a fight. His signature weapon is a long, sharp staff that he can use to striking terror into his enemies. Gubdagog's favorite saying is "knowledge is power."